Hi, my Darling,
Happy Late Night. All quiet on the Western Front, and I just realised I can legitimately say that, haha, as I am indeed west of you. I saw your post a little while ago. An "adultier adult", eh? I like that phrase! Now, I don't know if you meant me. I suppose you could mean your Mom or some of your other, older friends. :)
But if you did mean me, then we have something in common, because I always needed an "adultier adult" for a long time, because being an adult - whatever the heck that is, anyway - was hard for me for a while there. In my case, the "adultier adult" I looked to was usually one of my parents, though I guess I never really looked to them for guidance. As much as I loved my folks, and as much as I relied on them, they did not give me a lot of guidance as to "how to become an adult". Little to no guidance, in fact.
It wasn't their fault though. Each was an only child, and each of my parents lost both of their parents by their late teens. I think I've told you this story before. My Dad, who never knew his own father, lost his Mom at 17. But he still had his Aunt and Grandma. Mom, on the other hand, was adopted, and she lost both her adoptive parents by age 17 and was basically on her own, though she did have some relatives and friends for stability.
But it's no wonder they weren't much in the Guidance Department. They had to figure things out on their own, for the most part.
I guess what I mean, when I say I looked to them as "adultier adults" (and I did for a long time), was that I just plain hung around with them. I asked my Dad to get me a job, when I was 18, and he did, at MGM where he had worked. But I never asked them for advice, per se. I just stayed with them, and lived at home for a long time, because it just plain seemed like they knew what they were doing. :)
I sure didn't, for a long time. But my parents, despite their dysfunctions (and we all have them) did seem to know what they were doing, at least in respect to Having The "Adult" Thing Down.
I was scared to death of trying to do The Adult Thing.
Mainly because I didn't know how I could do it - me being me, and all.
Me to myself: "How the Hell am I supposed to do this"? :)
I had no idea. Literally. For many years. And my parents really couldn't tell me.
But Sweet Baby, do you know what is interesting about life (or should I say LIfe? I probably should...). Okay, do you know what is interesting about Life?
What is interesting about Life, is that Life is bigger than people. Life already knows what's going on. Life has been around a long, long time, and so Life knows the ropes.
What this "adultier adult" would tell you, is just keep doing what you are doing. I know I say that a lot, and I know it sounds simplistic, but girl - it works. And it not only works, but it's The Key to becoming Yourself.
Life, being bigger than all of us, will take you to where you were meant to go. No joke.
It's 100% real.
Now, I don't mean - and you already know this - that you just lay back, as on a raft, and let the River Of Life take you. No way.
I mean, and I repeatedly say - just do what you do. Not just in your chosen profession, but in every way.
Lock into this philosophy to the fullest.
And you will see, little by little, the way in which LIfe is taking you to your destination.
The big - no, the HUGE payoff to all of this, is that one day you will find inside yourself an enormous well of confidence that has grown and grown, as the months and years have passed, and you have trusted in yourself, and in what you do, and in Life, to take you to your Destination.
Life is an ongoing experience, yes, but it leads to a destination, and that destination is also an ongoing experience. It is never revealed to you all at once. Especially for Artists.
So just keep doing all of that, what I said above, and I give you a money-back guarantee that it will work for you as it has for me.
That, and keep hanging around with the "adultier adults", every one of whom was in your shoes (and my shoes), and every one of whom - to this day, I am guessing - would tell you that there really is no such thing as a Textbook Adult.
Only those who have followed and trusted Life, to varying degrees.
That's all I know for tonight, Sweet Baby. I will see you in the morning....
I Love You! Sweet Dreams.......
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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