Good Evening, Sweet Baby,
I am home from Pearl's, just wanted to check in and say hi, and also that I loved your post earlier about the 10 Books That Changed History. One of them was of course Shakespeare's Folio. You didn't by any chance mean that one for me, did you? :)
Hey, for all I know, maybe you meant it for you, too. :):)
Or any of the other books on that list. Now, I must confess I haven't read any of the others, but I am hooked, hooked, hooked on the Shakespeare, and I am gonna keep reading till I finish the whole thing.
I wish people still talked like that, lol (if they ever did; perhaps his writing was highly poeticised early English). All I can say is, go see the next Shakespeare play that's available in Madison, and you'll be hooked too. I recommend starting with "As You Like It", my favorite of the three I've seen. :)
I hope you had a nice day. Mine was a Typical Tuesday, though I did take The Kobedog to CSUN this morn before Golden Agers. Tuesday morn is our new slot for an Orange Grove walk, and he loves it.
I am gonna watch something-or-other (probably an X-Files) and then go for my walk, but I will be back at the usual time, later on at Pearl's. Enjoy the rest of your evening!
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
12:15am : Happy Late Night, my Darling. Yeah, Russ Feingold - he was a good Senator for you guys for a long time. It's like Babs Boxer or Dianne Feinstein for us, both of those ladies have been in there forever. I don't like everything they do, but overall they are pretty reliable. Our Governor, too - Jerry Brown. He's The Man, and we in California would elect him over and over again, and we have : four times.
Your state is kinda similar to California, in that you have a fairly progressive democratic contingent of voters and politicians, and then you have a super-conservative group that support guys like Scott Walker. We are the same way, though we are becoming less so, with the Democrats taking over the State nowdays. But in the past, we had a solid Republican base here, too, and it was very far to the right. In the 80s and 90s, we elected guys like George Dukemejian and Pete Wilson as Governors (Ronald Reagan, too), and they all were about as far to the right as you can get.
No one but no one, though, was as big a jerk as Ahnold. He was the Absolute Worst.
Here I go again! This is the Me of the 1980s, talking about politics, lol. I shall stop at this point, however, I will say that it seems to be at the local (Mayors, city council) and mid-level (Senators, congressmen) that you find your occasional Decent Politician, guys like Feingold or Babs, or our new Mayor Eric Garcetti, who seem to be in it for altruistic reasons, rather than the other reasons that make everyone hate politicians.
On another subject, I see that you like Chris Cornell, and I am glad you do! I do not know how much of a fan you are of (ahem) Older Stuff, and Soundgarden really isn't that old compared to some bands, but both they and CC are awesome, methinks. His solo album "Euphoria Morning" is excellent, and for me, "Superunknown" by Soungarden is one of the greatest records ever made. The next time they, or Chris, come through your area, make sure to go see 'em.
Same with any other bands you like. Go see them.
What other "older" bands do you like? I mean, music is music and has no age. There used to be a term for music that was out of style as being "dated", but that goes to fad and fashion. Good music is good music, plain and simple, which is why I post stuff from all over the place, timewise.
Good Lordy Moses, Sweet Baby! (that was one of Dad's phrases, "Good Lordy Moses"!, which was funny cause Dad was not in the least bit religious, but I have to use his phase anyway cause it's a good one)...
But what I was gonna say, about music, is Good Lordy Moses, Sweet Baby! There is so much good music out there, past and present (mostly past, lol) that I Urge You To Explore.
Don't worry if something is cool or not, just check stuff out and you will open your music world up very wide.
It's funny, because I have been posting my 60s Pop, and it got me to thinking about the way we used to listen to music back when I was a little kid in the 1960s. We had transistor radios - small little plastic boxes with a dial and and earphone (we called 'em "earphones" back then instead of "earbuds"). But overall, it was the same concept as today's iPhone or mp3 player. A personal music device.
But what I was really gonna say was that - back then (and this is what I was remembering, re: my 60s posts), back then, you could go to the beach, and some kids would have transistor radios hooked up to their ears, but there would also be people who had brought bigger radios with them. No mass-market tape players in those days, and certainly nothing on disc or digital.......
Everything was on radio.
And some kids, usually older teens or young adults, would bring a bigger radio, one of the portable rectangular ones, and blast the local radio station at full volume, so that everybody in the vicinity could hear it.
And do you know what? Back then, nobody would have complained, or yelled "turn it down"!
And that's because every song was great, and everybody liked every song. Top 40 was incredible back then, and there weren't the divisions and slots that music was put into later on, "metal", "rap", and so on.
Back then, it was more about songs than albums, but every song had to be top notch or it wouldn't make it onto the radio. But the amazing thing is that you had so many different styles in Top 40, everything from Beatles to Frank Sinatra to Tony Joe White to Aretha Franklin, and everything in between.
Good Lordy Moses, Sweet Baby!, I've listened to so much music in my life, that nowdays I have switched, at least half of the time, to Classical Music. Not because I got tired of rock and pop, but because I needed to keep exploring to continue to find new music!
So, all of this is because I am glad to see you like Chris Cornell, and I hope you keep exploring because if you do, you will find a Ton Of Stuff that you will also like.
That's all I know for tonight. Sweet Dreams, and I will see you in the morning.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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