Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Late Night Love

Happy Late Night, my Darling,

I hope your day was good. Not much to report for me, although I did watch a great movie from the Dracula Legacy collection : "Son Of Dracula" starring Lon Chaney Jr. as "Count Alucard" (Dracula spelled backwards). This one was really well done for a B-movie, with a really weird plot and creepy atmospherics. As far as I'm concerned, some of these sequels - in all the Legacy collections - are as much fun as the films they originate from, if not more so.

Other than that, just a regular Monday. The super hot weather is overwith for the time being. Now it's back to being just regular hot (90 degrees). Next week, school will start at CSUN, bringing back an extra 35,000 commuters to The 'Ridge, and the hustle and bustle of the neighborhood. The "sleepy town" part of Summer will be over, but not the Season itself. For us, that lasts til about Halloween.

Well, that's all for now. I Love You and will see you in the morning. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Sweet Dreams....

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