Sunday, August 9, 2015

Saturday Night Love

Hi, my Darling,

Happy Late Night. I hope your video shoot went well, and I imagine you are gonna shoot tomorrow, too. Or did you finish in one day? Just so long as you are getting the results you have wanted. I saw your post a couple hours ago, via Twig Noir, so perhaps she is a new model you are working with? Another guess on my part, but I do so because I've never seen you refer to her before, so maybe it's a New Project Thing for you guys. :)

My day was relatively quiet. This afternoon, I watched a movie by a French director named Marcel Carne, called "Port Of Shadows". Got it at the Libe, of course. Made in 1938, it's a nifty little existential noir (no pun or coincidence intended) about a diverse group of characters who all converge at a run down roadhouse at the edge of the ocean. Jean Gabin stars as an awol soldier. He was a big French movie star in the 1930s. I was very pleasantly surprised by this film, which also features some great b&w photography as well as fine performances by many other actors.

Marcel Carne, the director, also made a film called "Children Of Paradise", that in my opinion is one of the greatest films of all time. I own that one on dvd.

This afternoon I took the gang (me, Pearl & The Kobester) to Lake Balboa. The place was packed, as per Saturday in Summer. Then this eve, I watched the final episode of "Breaking Bad". What a show. Such great writing, great characters, and acting. I began watching in April, so it's been a marathon experience. I got so into the show that now I feel like jumping onboard another cable series (on dvd), but I'm not sure I'll find one as good. Maybe I'll research a few, but I don't wanna watch just for the sake of watching. It'd have to match up to the quality of BB.

Tomorrow morn is church, and so I will be here for a little while before we go, and then back at about 1pm, as always.

Sweet Dreams, and best wishes for your shoot tomorrow.

I Love You and will see you in the morning.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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