Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sunday Evening Love (super duper)

Good Evening, Sweet Baby,

I am just getting home from Pearl's. 'Twas mega hot again today, but no hike cause of church & choir, a fair trade off. We sang good this morn, always enjoyable ("sang good" - yep, nice grammar skills there, Ad). :)

I hope you had a nice Sunday, and I liked your post of the handmade wedding dress, very beautiful indeed (hint, hint).  :)

And your friend Morgin's doggie, too. What a great face on him or her. Doggies & wedding dresses are two things that are always a winner with me!

I am gonna catch up on my reading for a little while, and maybe watch another Dracula Legacy movie, or perhaps an "X-Files". Gotta finish up Season 8, and then do Season 9 before year's end so I can be ready for the new mini-series in the new year.

Anyhow, I just wanted to check in and say hi, see how your day was.

I Love You and I'll be back at the usual time, later on at Pearl's. Enjoy the rest of your evening!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

12:10am : Happy Late Night, my Darling. All is quiet at Pearl's, and I am actually reading Shakespeare! Yeah, I'm obsessed, I know. I think what happened is that once I began to understand the dialogue, after seeing "As You Like It" for the second time the other night, I wanted to go all the way and fully understand it. So, as reported in a previous blog, I ordered a Complete Shakespeare from the Libe and started working on "As You Like It". I'm just doing a page at a time, but some of it I'm even reading aloud, to Pearl & The Kobester, because I like the way the words sound when spoken.

Just call me The Instant Shakespeare Fan. Well, almost instant - I saw my first play last year.........

But just a page or two a day is good enough, especially with everything else I am reading. Mom didn't know what she was starting when she took me to the library as a small child.  :)

Man, Sweet was still super duper hot this evening. One of those nights when it didn't cool off. I love it in the daytime, but at night I prefer some coolin'. Guess what the temp was in Palm Springs today?


Good Lordy Moses.

Now, Palm Springs is way out in the desert, about 120 miles from here. Death Valley is out that way, too, but further. It holds the record for the hottest temp ever recorded on Earth : 134 degrees.

That might be even too much for me. :)

Or maybe not.

But I am just glad we are finally having some True Summer here. I hope you had a nice day, too.

I Love You and will see you in the morning.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Sweet Dreams.........

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