Saturday, January 2, 2016


Happy Late Night on New Year's Day, my Darling,

I hope the first day of the year was a good one for you, and I will guess that it was. I saw several of your posts today and they were just beautiful and right on the money.  :)

Two of them were very heartfelt, one from a photography FB page with Abbe in the name, and the other having to do with a person describing when they met someone very special. I did not want to be presumptuous and assume that the words of the Abbe post were meant for me, but when I saw the second, I thought it was okay to think they were. Those posts were so beautifully written, and I wish I could recall the name of the poster of the second one, which described a meeting of two people. Both were gone from my "posts You like" feature after the initial time I saw them, but I am so glad I did because they made my day.  :):)
I just think it's going to be a great year, and as always, it's all about Intent. The third post I saw was from the guy who just celebrated his tenth anniversary of making the decision to work for himself. That one was extremely well stated, the guy nailed every aspect of the importance making such a choice.

I know how he feels, and I have stated before that in my case, I didn't feel I had a choice. I mean, I did have one, in the literal sense, but I knew it would kill me, spiritually at least. In my case I didn't have any training or schooling to guide me, I just kind of had to feel my way, and of course I had my parents who supported me after I quit my job. Even though we had some very difficult times as a family unit, I would not have made it if it weren't for them.

The guy who wrote the post, Joel Wanasek (do I have his name right?) talked about not knowing where the road will take you, and that is what we have said all along.

I always knew that in my life. It was so weird, because I knew I wasn't suited for 9 to 5, and yet I wasn't rebellious against it. I had a job at MGM that paid well for the time, with job security that would have lasted years. I was in a union.

But I just couldn't do it. In my 20s, it was very confusing because I wasn't suited to do much else. I had no schooling, no formal training of the kind that leads to a career. I didn't know what else I could do. All I knew was that I absolutely could not work in a factory. In Joel Wanasek's case, it was a bank. So I didn't know what I wanted to do (except to play music, which I got a late start at).

But what I did have, inside, was a driving force. And that force was so strong that it could not be denied. It would have had it's way no matter what, and it was my soul speaking to me.

It was telling me to hang in there, that everything would become clear eventually.

That's what I mean when I talk about quiet confidence : just that certainty you can only have with yourself and God. It is the most powerful certainty of all.

And so we have seen it at work, both in my life and yours. It is a constant conversation inside yourself, and with God, to make magic in your life and to create a path for you to sustain that magic.

We have discovered that magic is real, and in fact that it is the most real thing in life. It is the mundane, which - though often necessary (washing dishes, tying shoes, etc.) that is less real, because it is less powerful. Settling for less, is less powerful, as Joel Wanasek discovered.

Magic, on the other hand (and I don't mean magic tricks but real live magic), is the most powerful thing one can experience, because it comes from God, and it comes to you because of your inner voice talking to you, telling you where you belong. That's quiet confidence, quiet because it's a silent conversation between you and your soul, and confidence because your soul is confiding in you. It is telling you Your Own Personal Truth.

As I found at 19, you can't help but listen. And though the road isn't always clear, you at least know that you are On The Right Road.

Because it's yours. It's Your Road. It's your own personal magic that drives you down that road, and because God gave you that magic, you can trust it entirely.

So that's all I know for tonight, and I just wanna say and reiterate that this year is gonna be amazing. Don't just believe it but know it, and pay attention to the details.

As an Artist, you may be part of a bigger project than you realise. And you may find (I think you certainly will) that your part is incredibly special and important. This will happen as a dawning, over time.

We have talked about life being huge, and this is what we mean. So you kind of live in two worlds at once, in your life as an Artist; one where you do your work and plan what's next and maintain continuity in that way, and the other in which you never for a moment lose focus on that inner conversation which deals with the magic and the bigger yet still unknown picture......

That is the part that is driving you, that inside part. It leads you into that hugeness, the enormity of life, lived simultaneously in the physical and spiritual realms.

That's all I know for tonight, Sweet Baby. This is gonna be a great year!

I Love You and will see you in the morning.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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