Thursday, January 7, 2016


Happy Late Night, my Darling,

That is a beautiful self portrait you posted this morning! :) It has an old-fashioned look, with the soft lighting and "pastel" skin tones and makeup. You could be a girl from a century ago, and yet modern at the same time. A lovely picture I think. I like your comment, too, and you know I am always harping about the time aspect - the slow but fast feeling experienced when a given period ( a year, a decade) is looked back upon as a whole, or in pieces.

Change is gradual indeed, and it's interesting again to record life, to note the changes. It would be neat to take "A Picture A Day", say for five or ten years, or even longer. And to make it not a repetitive picture, like of a growing child, but just of anything you thought of spontaneously. I often wish I had taken more photos of my neighborhood, and the various stores and businesses that have come and gone over the years. I love looking at websites like the L.A. Relics site that have decades-old photos of Downtown, or the similar site for the San Fernando Valley.

Of course, to take "A Picture A Day" (just one pic, no more) would take major dedication, because each pic would have to be somewhat special, even if it was of ordinary subject matter. Some thought, and therefore a little bit of time, would have to go into each day's photo. It might be too much to ask, in this day and age when we are busy doing all kinds of stuff.

But just to record life is a great thing, I think. To keep a journal, to take photos, make self portraits, anything you can think of........  :)

The rain is coming down as I write, and it is official that El Nino has finally hit us after five years of drought. Today was all day rain, and the Sepulveda Basin area of the Valley, the low ground where Lake Balboa is located, is now flooded. That's why the Army Corps Of Engineers drained our Los Angeles River back in the 1930s (I think it was then), because when the heavy rains came, the river would flood farmer's crops. So our river has been an empty concrete channel ever since, for flood control. And we never get any rain for years on end, except when we do, we get a lot.

So we are just hunkering down here at Pearl's. No dogwalks, no Golden Agers. I did get my own CSUN walk done, during a break in the downpour.

I liked your post of the little Jedi Knight! That is a Sweet Baby post if ever there was one. :):)

And I also saw another post by you for The Archers, so I am guessing that they are new clients, or potential clients, which is great.

Well, starting tomorrow we should get a brief break in the rain until Saturday. Can't wait to take some photos myself!

I will see you in the morn. Sweet Dreams until then.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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