Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Kobester Is Back Home (what a relief)

Happy Sunday Afternoon, Sweet Baby,

I just wanted to check in to say that The Kobester is back home. Yep, so it's a real blessing to have him back, and we are very relieved and very happy. As I said last night, he is 16 years old, and he did have a seizure, so we know that he's not 100% any more, but all the same, just to have him for as long as we can have him is a wonderful gift. So, thanks to the Lord. We are grateful indeed.

I am writing from home and I'm gonna head back to Pearl's in a few minutes. Just gonna grab some of my stuff - books, clothes, etc. - that I keep over there during my work cycle. Tonight is the new "X-Files", so you know I am excited about that! :)

One of my very favorite shows (and I recently completed the full nine season run on dvd, took me a few years.....).

So that's what is happening, and it's a good day. Kobi is now on anti-seizure meds, and he goes back to the vet in three weeks for a follow-up. But his energy is good.

I will write more later tonight at the usual time. Enjoy the rest of your day!

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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