Hi, my Darling, and Happy Late Night,
I am later than usual tonight (getting situated, etc.) so I am gonna post, then come back and write, so that you will know I'm here. Back in a little bit.....
Okay, I am back. I hope your day was good. I only saw one post on FB (in "posts You like") and that was one, via your friend Jake, with a picture of coffee mugs he bought online, or at least that's what I think it was. I don't know the significance of that one, and maybe it was just a regular old "like" on FB with no particular significance for me anyhow, but anyway that was the only one that showed up all day, and I did check multiple times to look for anything new.
I hope all is well. Sometimes I don't know what to do, because I am trying to communicate, with very limited resources as my Facebook has been reduced. It's difficult if you don't post (or maybe you do and it just doesn't show up on my FB, I dunno), but anyway, I will keep trying. Some days I have skipped blogs because I have nothing to respond to, but if I do that too often, or more than one day in a row, our communication could begin to fade away. I know I've said all this stuff a million times before, and I won't harp on it, but just so you know, I am trying. But it's a lot easier if I have something to respond to.
At any rate, I bought the new David Bowie album today, "Blackstar", and it really is as good as everyone has been saying. Very hypnotic and haunting, with propulsive beats and basslines and freeform instruments (sax & piano) mixed low in the background. Bowie's vocals are exceptionally good, considering his age and illness. I was blown away after one listen.
I am also starting a new book, called "A Distant Mirror" by Barbara Tuchman, who was a noted historical writer back in the 60s through the 80s. She wrote a very famous book about World War One called "The Guns Of August" which I remember seeing on the family bookshelf as a kid. Tuchman was one of my Dad's favorite writers; he had a book of hers called "The Proud Tower" (about the state of the world prior to WW1) and he used to recommend it to me all the time. At Christmas, while browsing Amazon, I came across "A Distant Mirror", about 14th Century France during the time of The Plague, and I thought : "That's the one for me". :) It's got Knights Templars, pompous Kings, sadistic Inquisitors and all kinds of intrigue and torment - it's totally Goth........
I have also been watching a BBC production of "David Copperfield" from 1999, starring among others, little Harry Potter himself, Daniel Radcliffe. I think I mentioned, also during Christmas, that I was interested in discovering more of Charles Dickens' material, as I had only ever seen "A Christmas Carol". I watched "The Old Curiosity Shop" during Christmas week, and then just the last few days I've watched "Copperfield". Now I can see why it's considered one of the greatest books ever written. What a story, and of course you can't top the English actors.
I got into Shakespeare just two years ago because of the Shakespeare By The Sea troupe that comes around every Summer, and now I am discovering Charles Dickens, and I am pondering whether he might be the equal of William Shakespeare. And I think he is, based on the ability to convey Human Feeling.
Shakespeare has the precision of language, but Dickens writes of the characters of Victorian England, rich and poor, in their own language, and in that way he is just as precise, and his stories are epic.
So that's what's up in media. I have also been reading a book called "KL", about the Nazi concentration camps, by a writer named Nikolaus Wachsmann, but it is too grim to report on. It's by far the most horrific thing I've ever read. I mention it just to mention it, cause I've been reading it......
Anyhow, as I have been saying, post when you get a chance, and if you want to. It could just be my dumb FB, not showing anything new on "posts You Like". It does tend to show the same 15-20 posts again and again, but usually if you do post something new, it will show up there for a little while.....
So post if you wanna, and I will see you in the morn.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxo :):)
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