Happy Late Night, Sweet Baby,
I hope you had a good day, probably still settling into the new year (but knowing you, probably -or make that definitely - working on a project). Today I wasn't able to see any posts on FB, and I don't have a lot to report myself. I did finish the sixth and final episode of "Fear The Walking Dead" in time to return the dvd to the library with no late fees, so that in itself constitutes an awesome day.
This year more than ever, I wanna work on time management to get stuff done. I am already pretty good at it - alloting "x" amount of time each day for all the things I like to do. I mean, I'm not fanatical about it, and I don't have a schedule or anything rigid like that. It's more like something I keep in my head, and I've been getting better at it over the years, out of necessity, ever since my work schedule became more involved.
I like to hike, and read, and play guitar. My hands are fairly messed up (not terribly, though) with this Dupuytrens thing, and it has bent my left ring finger almost all the way down and hooked both pinkies. Both my folks had this condition and so now I've got it, but the thing is - and this part is cool - the thing is that it doesn't really affect my life much. My hands basically can do everything they've always been able to do, i.e. grip, write, anything dexterous, really not much difference at all. But on guitar, I've kinda had to re-learn how to play chords, using less fingers, and I'm still learning because this condition is new to me. I've only had it severely since 2013.
But the exceptionally cool thing is that it has made me learn the neck better than ever, and wanting to re-train myself to a new way of playing. And in many ways, I am playing better than ever.
So now I wanna play a lot, not cause I wanna join a band or anything, but just because it's fun to play guitar. But I also wanna read and have many (probably too many) books lined up. I just splurged and bought the extended version, 1600 pages, of The Beatles "Tune In" by Mark Lewisohn. That's the major league version of the regular book that I read two years ago.
And now I've got a sketch pad and wanna draw. I don't draw anything resembling realism, and I have no training to enable me to do so, so what I do is abstract and pattern oriented, but spontaneous. I have all of my paintings from the Burton Street days stashed in my apartment, and thinking about them has inspired me to get the sketch pad and to get my pencils and pastels out.
So with my day at Pearl's, I've gotta slot in certain amounts of time for all of these things that I like doing, including hikes and photography. But you can't really schedule it and say, "well, from 10:30 to 11:30 I'll do this", because there is also in between stuff to do, like rest and relax, or just think......
But it's just great to have a lot of interesting things to do, not just to occupy the mind, but to propel it....
So, time management will be important this year, but just keeping it informal, and still getting everything done!
Tomorrow is church and choir (I forgot to mention singing) and so that will be fun as well. I will be around early, and then after practice as usual, about 1:30pm.
See you in the morning, Sweet Dreams until then.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxo :):)
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