Happy Friday Night, my Sweet and Beautiful Angel! I am getting back from my walk late tonight. I watched an X-Files episode right when I got home from Pearl's, and now I am almost finished with Season Four. I don't watch a lot of TV, and what I do watch is mostly stuff I have on dvd, but that show is one of my very favorites. I am loving the warm evenings and the way the light is beginning to change. When I go for my walk now, it is much darker than earlier in the summer, but there is a purple-black quality to the light that seems to mix with the warm night air to create a magic feeling, especially when walking through our old orange grove.
I think this week has really been wonderful, and I have loved the way we have shared pictures of our interesting places, our rocks and caves, and again I have to tell you that you have inspired me so much. I feel very, very close to you Elizabeth, and it's a wonderful thing to feel. To share life with you is such a blessing.
Well, I am eating late once again, but I won't take long, and then I will come back and write some more.
11pm : I also liked your photo of the pressure gauges, because it reminds me again of some aspects of my Northridge Meadows photographs. There is overgrowth in that photo - or at least it appears to be - and also the machinery itself is not identified, either in the photo - which is shot close-up - or by the photographer (you). That makes it, for me, very interesting.
When I first went into The Meadows, I was struck by the overgrowth of nature. And I was struck by the juxtaposition of man-made structure, which is finite (meaning that once it's built, it is complete), and natural growth, which is never complete. And in The Meadows, four months after our quake, the overgrowth was beginning to exert it's grip. So I love that relentlessness of vines and leaves, and also the solidity of the man made machinery in it's midst. That's the best way I can describe how such a photo makes me feel, because it's exactly the type of photographic context I sought out, simply by instinct, in The Meadows.
The overgrowth is nature's way of "restoring order" when humans aren't around, such as when a piece of machinery is left to sit.
It's really far out to consider the parameters of "human being order" vs. "nature order". Human order is very squared away, manufactured, produced and exhibited in shapes. Be they straight or curved, most "human order" is organised, and visually navigable. It is desinged to be user friendly. Or at least that is the intention.
The difference with natural design, with nature's order, is that it wanders. Like water, it goes where it will. I love vines, because there is something about them that seems so ancient, so independent, and they have their own sense of order, but - if left untouched - they seem to keep reaching out in every direction, unconcerned with shape or form. If human order seeks to be finite - to be comprehensible (possibly because we possess the visual sense), then nature seems to have the opposite impulse. It wishes to be infinite. It always "grows over", unconcerned of shape or form, or even room.
So I think that's my take on why I like such photos. In yours, you depicted something man-made, but left it unidentified, and then it is beginning to be overtaken by natural growth (or at least a hint of that possibility is there).
I like the idea of "no commentary" on the subject. Just a depiction. So you really grabbed me with that photo, and maybe next year I will get a chance to digitize some of my Meadows pics and you will see what I mean by my comparison.
Well, my Awesome Artist, that is all I know for this evening. I think my next day trip will be to a place called Placerita Canyon, where my Dad used to take us as kids. Once again, it's only 15 miles from me, but I haven't been there in 45 years. There are so many nooks and crannies here that it's hard to keep up with them all. It will be mostly a nostalgia trip, don't know how spectacular the scenery........but as always, it is in the feel. I will try to go next Tuesday.
I Love You So Much, Elizabeth. Sweet Dreams, my Angel. xoxoxoxo :):)
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