A tight and long-lasting hug for you, my Angel, on this early Saturday afternoon. The kind of hug you never want to let go from! It's another very pleasant, and yet "cool enough to be unseasonable" afternoon here in Northridge. Very quiet in my building, and in the 'hood in general. I awoke from my final sleep-in of this vacation to find myself out of coffee filters, which could only mean one thing - a walk to Starbucks! Of course, that means a mere one-block-walk, not only here but pretty much anywhere in America (or even the world, I suppose). The ubiquitous Starbucks. I don't know if you are a coffee person, but I like it in the morning (green tea in the afternoon!), and so out the door I went. It is indeed a gorgeous day, and I hope it is for you as well.............(checking weather.com to make sure).........aha! I see it is "cloudy" where you are, but with 0% chance of rain and clearing by the evening. And, a pleasant 75 to 78 degrees. Not too different from what we have here, so we are both enjoying nice weather. I do hope it will heat up at some point, though. As an Angeleno, I miss my 95 to 105 degree days (or at least I think I miss them, lol), and we have had, thus far, one of the mildest Summers in recent memory.........
I think of you all the time, morning noon and night. If you are ever going about your day, and suddenly you wonder, "hmmmmm, what is Adam doing right now"?, well, that's what I'm doing - thinking about you. It is not long before we will be thinking about one another while walking hand in hand. We are going to make it happen, will it to happen.
Well, that is all for the moment. I wanted to send you some afternoon love, a special kind of love, quiet but with the Sun out and a soft breeze blowing. You are my Angel, Elizabeth.
This eve, after my return to Pearl's, I am gonna drive over to Santa Monica for a little while. My sister did not come over for Saturday shopping but called to say that a friend of hers is in town from Washington state, and so Vickie invited me to come over and say hello, maybe get something to eat. She has been friends with this lady, Sue, since junior high (middle school to you), so I have known Sue since I was about 6. So, I am gonna drive over there at 6:30, but then I should be back by 10pm or so, my time. I will write more when I get back, but what I will be doing the entire time, beginning right now, is thinking how much I love you, and how much I can't wait to tell you so in person.
Have a wonderful afternoon and early evening, my Beautiful Girl, and I will see you later tonight.
(and, I will be here, and at Pearl's too, until 6:30). I Love You! xoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
10:05pm : I'm back from Santa Monica. We had a nice dinner at a Mexican restaurant. It was fun talking to Sue and my sister. It turns out they have known each other since 1963, so that is since I was three years old. I reminded them both about being Weird Drama People, and all the Weird Drama People parties they threw at our house, that I remember from when I was a little kid.......
I saw your picture when I was at Pearl's, and at first I thought you meant rock collecting, and I guess the collecting is part of it, am I right? And at first I did not know what the bowl was for. The only thing I could think of was "mortar and pestle", but then, seeing that the bowl appeared to be metal I thought "that can't be it", and I was pretty sure you didn't mean chemistry anyhow. I knew, from your runes, that the rocks must have a spiritual and/or metaphysical significance. I also wasn't sure if the black and white pyramid shaped object was a rock. At first I thought maybe it was a candle. I knew the photo within your posted photo was a picture of rocks, but I was pondering the other two objects, and the object with a handle.
Then I saw the bowl identified as a Singing Bowl. Because of Pearl's crashy computer (every time you move the mouse - doggone thing!), and because I was headed to Santa Monica after work, I had to wait until I got home to Google it. So a Singing Bowl is actually a musical instrument? I see it is used in conjuction with meditation. It is Tibetan or of general Himalayan origin? That is interesting. Is it used with the snowflake obsidian pyramid? I ask because in my Googling I see it (the Singing Bowl) is used for all kinds of musical applications, meditations and therapies.
It is also very interesting because in reading "The Philosopher's Stone", which had a lot to do with the historical study of alchemy, I learned that through the ages various mystics, philosophers, physicians, and even madmen (Nazis) seached for exotic types of matter that could be confected (i.e. cooked) into a transmutative medium by which the aether could be accessed. These alchemists were generally trying to turn base metals into gold, just to get rich, but some - who may have known ancient secrets - were trying to take things a step further, and use the process to physically separate the spiritual component of the exotic matter. They believed, for instance, that mercury had literally another dimension within it's chemical makeup, or that another dimension could be "separated out" of it's atomic structure through alchemical processes.
Joe Farrell is such a genius writer, and knows so much about the physics involved, that he explains that the process - which has been investigated in more recent times by some scientists with open minds (like Kozyrev) - has to do with things like spin orientation and high speed nucleic rotation, and that some types of exotic matter have atoms that are spinning at such a rate that, when superheated, their nuclei literally deform and are expelled into a fourth or fifth temporal dimension, a Dimension Of Time. They have superheated some of these elements, like Thorium, and in that state, when they place the element into a pan, the pan weighs less with the element in it than it does empty.
So the element has lost mass, and the mass goes into another dimension.
That, of course, is a really weird aspect of the subject, but Joe writes all about the energies inherant in pyramid structures, rotational masses, field systems, and the lattice-structure of both crystals and the aether itself. Most of his books have to do with how the Nazis may have tried to revive ancient sciences in search of new sources of power and propulsion; i.e. things they could weaponize, so in that sense he is not strictly a metaphysical or New Age writer, and yet he is so well educated on all those subjects (he is an Oxford phD), and he has such an understanding, and ability to explain the workings of all these things, that you come away fascinated with how the harmonics work. That is what the ancient cultures understood, and that Western science and medicine has largely dispensed with ; the idea of harmonics in the Universe, and the way harmonics work on a subatomic level.
And getting back to your Singing Bowl and it's use in meditation, am I correct in assuming that the tone it gives off is connected to a healing power? If so, would it come from a certain frequency or range of frequency? I don't mean to make the subject too technical, but it is interesting to see - and therefore understand - how the ancient sciences were developed, and how they came to understand that a certain sound could promote meditation, and another sound healing, and so forth.
The atomic and nucleic structures of rocks and various exotic forms of matter have all kinds of powers as well, and that was what alchemy was all about, the separation and harnessing of those powers. It is a long subject to go into, and you know more about it than I, but I am coming to understand that the lattice-structures at the subatomic level in these rocks and exotic forms of matter can act as transmitters and receivers of energy, and of harmonics. Farrell thinks that the great pyramid of Giza was a transmitter of sorts.
It all goes back to the structure at the subatomic level, and the way that harmonics play through those structures, and the torsion of the Universe, etc. These were things known to certain of the Ancients in antidiluvian times (before the Flood), and after these sciences were lost, many tried to regain them over the millenia.
I don't know the specifics of reading runes, or the specific uses of the Singing Bowl or the obsidian pyramid, but in reading about them and getting a general sense of how they work, I am fascinated because it is along the same lines of the things I am currently reading about!
I am fascinated by science, but only as long as it delivers the mysterious and the magical. If it is mere measuring and equations, I find it dull as dishwater. But when the Mystery Schools are involved, as in the Metaphysics of The Ancients, then it is my favorite subject. I'd love to know how you got interested in these things.
Once, when I was eight years old, my Uncle Earl Hamner drove Dad and me out to the desert, along the Pearblossom Highway. And he stopped out in the middle of nowhere to show us pieces of obsidian - black glass. I remember we collected it and brought it back home. I wish I still had it. In later years, I always wondered why Uncle Earl drove us out there that day. And I always wondered where the obsidian came from...........
I Love You, Elizabeth! You are an interesting lady, and I am learning new things from you. Tell me more!
Sweet dreams and a giant hug and kiss, and I will see you in the morn, back to early wake ups. :):)
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