Happy Saturday Evening, my Awesome Trail-Blazing Darling! I hope you had a successful photo adventure this afternoon, and knowing you, it is virtually a certainty that you did. I was on a photo adventure of a different kind, perusing the 1500+ photos on my digital photo card. It was supposed to hold 2000 pics, but just the other day it said "memory full" after about 1500. Good grief, that sure shows the carefree nature of digital photography. When I was using film, I might have taken 100-200 photos a year, and you had to make every one count. But when I got my new cam in June of last year, I saw how easy it is to just click away. So, I filled up the card, and I was going through the pics to see which ones to keep and which to delete. I'm not much of a deleter, for two reasons; once you delete, you can't get it back, and also, photo cards aren't expensive, might as well just buy a new one. Still, there have been some shots which are near duplicates of others, or poorly focused or exposed. A few I just plain didn't like. And also, it's a first run-through. Maybe I will delete more after I go through 'em again a few times. But I don't know if I will because it takes forever, lol! Right now, though, I think I freed up about 50-100 shots on the card, which will last me a couple shoots. And, I am gonna do what I am always suggesting for you to do - but that I have been putting off myself - and that is to go to FedEx Kinkos and use their Sony printer to make prints of all my best pics from the past year. Then I will put 'em in a photo album, just like with my film photos! I love photo albums.......
Well, I am gonna go on my walk now, try to catch the sun going down. It was super-duper hot and muggy yet again today, so I didn't go out, except to walk over to the Redbox at 7-11 across the street to rent a movie : "Amour". It won the Palm d' Or at Cannes, and also best foreign film at the Oscars, so I figured "what the heck". But it was unrelentingly grim. It was made by Michael Haneke, so I should have known. His movies are always well made, and this was no exception. The acting was great, too. It's just that the story was pretty depressing. I won't ruin it in case you ever see it, and it is a good film, but.........like I said on FB, bring on the Three Stooges!
Well, I am enjoying my day off, and I have two more to go. Vickie didn't come over because of the heat, so I just slept in and chilled. Played a lot of guitar, too. Let's both have a blast all weekend, then bring on September! One of the best months, in my opinion.........(school notwithstanding).
Now I am gonna go on my walk, but I wanted to tell you how much I love you. This morning I was thinking once again of what a Miracle we have had come into our lives. The way we met, the way we instantly connected. And all the special little things that have happened along the way.
I always say "Thank You, Lord, for this Blessing. Thank You for Elizabeth".
I Love You, my Angel. :):)
(back in a while)
11pm : In my book, Dr. Farrell is getting way out there now, examining the writings of this professor, Ernest McClain, who was so into number theories as they related to music, that he theorised that the Bible was really a series of deeply encoded allegories alluding to Mesopotamian numerology as it related to musical tones.
Extremely far out stuff, I realise. The book, "Grid Of The Gods", has it's own theory : that all of these ancient structures, and apparently there are more than 50,000 of them worldwide, pyramids, ziggurats, temples, henges, etc. , were part of a machine, and this machine - a worldwide machine - operated through the transference of universal energy waves, through geodetic Earth waves, and down to the quantum level of atomic waves. Everything was balanced by the shape of the structures, and each had a specific function. The pyramids, for instance, may have acted as antennae to receive cosmic energy, or as radiators, outwardly, of Earth energy. Temples such as the Parthenon may have, due to the shape and placement of their columns, served as receivers of radio communication energy, so that groups of people gathered inside could commune with another entity. Perhaps the entirety of this machine was a God machine? Not in the sense of the unknowable, but very real, God Who Created The Universe, but more in the sense of the mythological "gods" who helped mankind to evolve.
I do not know, but I think the evidence is pointing in the direction of a people who came before us who were incredibly sophisticated. Not in the material sense, perhaps. They didn't have the manufacturing sophistication of modern man. But they did have an ability to understand and communicate with the outer world, the world beyond Earth, that we are only beginning to understand.
I find the idea of numbers phenomenal, from what I am reading, because here you have the ancients - and by all accounts they were not nearly as sophisticated in material construction as we are, nor in the synthesis of building materials. We have freeways and skyscrapers, they - at best - had marble temples (and not extensively), and rudimentary streets, plumbing and housing. They had some stadiums, but no electricty.
So one wonders, even with their very advanced knowledge of mathematics, how they were able to compute the ratios of numbers that led to these harmonic wave balances? How did they know where to place their pyramids, how to shape their stone circles, and most importantly - how did they know the numerology of the Earth, it's size, mass, distance from planets, the Sun and other stars?
The answer, I think, lies in the probability that they had help in securing an ancient primary knowledge, and this help came from a more sophisticated people, ones who may have visited Earth for a time, to help humanity up on it's feet.
The paradox is that the Ancients, though competent in their time as builders, still basically lived in rough-hewn structures, and had rudimentary societies (open, basic marketplaces, etc.)
Modern man has extremely sophisticated building capability, and is designing ever more exotic electronics and synthetics. (Modern man doesn't know when to quit, or how to conserve, or the proper direction to take in many ways, but that is another story).
But getting back to the paradox, the ancients had not nearly our capacity for creating "built systems" of efficiency. And yet they apparently had a worldwide "conciousness machine", a network of pyramids and other amazing structures that we could never duplicate , were we to try, using what we perceive to have been their available labor and level of technology. Remember that we in the 21st century have handed the ball off to scientists who, with only a couple hundred years of study have come to "conclusions" about the ancient world that may look ridiculous in the future. For instance, the conclusion that the pyramids were constructed by thousands of slaves dragging enormous blocks of stone up ramps tens of stories in the air..........this is the kind of "research" we are entrusting our written history to, and it is time to look at other, more probable, possibilities.
We have our sophistication, and the Ancients had theirs, but it seems - and the evidence shows - that theirs was built on a deep understanding of some harmonic energy communication system. And we, as modern man, have learned at this late date that sound may be the most powerful physical force in the universe. Sound is the Creation Wave, the wave that moves Idea through the Nothingness of the aether. That's why sound, and it's resultant refinement, over time, in language and music, makes us feel such a connection to.........that which we desire to understand .
Getting down to the basics of numerology, all of these numbers represented the way in which Universal matter interrelated to the Human Spirit. In Nature (which is matter), all functions take care of themselves. Numbers are not important in nature, or to nature.
Numbers are only important to human beings, to help them to exist in the material world.
Reading what I've been reading lately, I think that the Ancients had help in understanding numbers and measurement, and in building their worldwide machine of 50,000 structures. This help was given to them to take them out of hunter-gathering, and to preserve a knowledge that was nearly lost.
Look to Mars for possible answers. There are structures there that resemble the pyramids of Earth.
Communication systems between two planets? Maybe so.
That's all I know for tonight, Awesome Lady.
I Love You and will see you in the morn. Sweet Dreams! :):)
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