Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sunday Night I Love You (more added)

Hey my Baby,

Not a lot to report today, so I am just checking in to say hi, and I Love You. A typical Sunday, taking Pearl to church, doing laundry, taking the Kobester to CSUN. Tomorrow, school starts, so things will be picking up in The 'Ridge. My routine stays the same, of course, except I will be returning to the Cinematheque on Thursday nights. This semester we are gonna do Ranier Werner Fassbinder, a really weird German filmmaker from the 70s. I've seen a few of his films, can't say I'm a huge fan, but we'll see how the series develops.

Does school start for you tomorrow? It must be either tomorrow or next week after Labor Day. I am sure you are gearing up for it, but school notwithstanding, we will just keep doing what we do. I am here for you in every respect, and at all times. I'm your Navy Seal!

So, that's all I have for today. I hope your day was good and I will talk to you tomorrow.

I Love You.  :):)

11:30pm : Checking back in to say that I just saw your post via Sarah, and I find it interesting because, well, for many years now, my pre-bedtime routine was always to listen to music, and read, then write in my journal. I have been doing this since about 1999. But it's interesting because I have always found I cannot concentrate on my reading nearly as well if the music has vocals. That is why I listen to so much classical at night (and also because I love it). For some reason, vocals distract the listener from other pursuits, so it is interesting to see that I am not the only one who has noticed this.

I have been thinking about your harp (I know it was loaned to you) and I don't know if you still have it, but either way, I hope you got a feel for it. Remember that you have many years ahead to play, and compose, and there is much to be said for composing for a single instrument, or one accompanied by another, and creating soundscapes. For you, I say just play, play, play. Play your feelings, your thoughts.

As the days pass, and you continue to play, you will end up with many compositions.

That's what classical music was all about, but you can turn it into anything at all.

Sweet Dreams, my Beautiful Angel.  :):)

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