Hey Awesome Lady,
I saw your post this afternoon. I hear ya! Outdoors is the place to be. Because of my work schedule, I am kind of in-and-out-and-back in again, then out some more. There is a sameness to it, like any job, but some days are more "in" than "out", and vice-versa. The best part is that my day is broken up, and I do get an hour here, or two hours there, to do what I want, so it's not like being stuck in the Dreaded Cubicle all day every day. It is seven days a week, but I'm not complaining because it pays the bills, and I can save a fair amount of money, and I still have some free time (an hour here and there, as mentioned). My main free time is my nights, and I do love the night because of the quiet, as I've also mentioned before.
For me, I use the computer mainly as a communication tool, never for gaming or endless browsing. I don't know if you meant me as part of that post (cringe!, just kidding, I know you probably just meant that you'd rather be outside yourself), but although I do use the computer as an everyday tool for communication, I work it in throughout the day, just to see what's happening. It's funny, because I am one of the all-time anti-gadget people. I never even had a cell until two years ago. I've never even played a single video game in my life. I am Mr. Let's Go Do Stuff. The problem for me is A) My job is seven days, and B) Everybody I know is either busy with other things, or not interested. So, for a lot of what I do, I wind up having to do it myself, like the short road trips I go on, like to Vasquez Rocks or somewhere. But if you were here or I were there, we would be doing all kinds of things together. Even simple stuff, like just sitting out on the grass playing guitars. Before my friends all turned into wimps (or had kids, or....died), we used to get together all the time, to play sports, go to the beach, go to Hollywood, all over the place. With my band, we spent a lot of time practicing, and that was for several years, and you know how that is. This is the first generation that has grown up around electronics, or at least around multiple gadgets, where gadgets are a major drain on the attention span. But for me, I just use the computer, and no other gadgets, just to communicate. Also to browse a little, see what's going on. But I'd have never met you if it wasn't for the computer, and it is after all our communication lifeline, so...........there you have it. But, being outside is the place to be, I certainly agree with that. In the bigger picture, you could just call it "doing stuff", whether a person is inside or outside.
Anyhow, I am taking one final night off from my walk, just to make sure all the soreness is gone, so I will be around and I will check back in later. One thing you can be sure of, is that you and I will have fun. That's why I'm always writing, saying, imagine a dream trip..........because we can make it happen!
Anyway, back in a little while. I Love You! :):)
10:45pm : Here's a word for you. Have you ever heard of Geomancy? I hadn't. I got it out of another Joe Farrell book that I just started, called "The Grid Of The Gods". I know I probably shouldn't have begun another Farrell so soon after finishing "Philosopher's Stone", but the new Stephen King isn't out yet, and anyway I am hooked on Joe F! (and, that's another thing about me - I have gotta have a book. It's like music, something I need every day). The title of the book gives away it's subject, which is an ancient science or physics based on three grid systems - the celestial, or outer grid; the Earth grid, where we live, and a micro grid of energies and lines of force on a subatomic level. It once again has to do with Lines Of Force, and spin velocity and torsion and electromagnetism, but anyway - geomancy. It is a form of divination in which rocks or sand are tossed randomly on the ground, and then the patterns are observed to discover lines of force in the Earth. These lines are called Ley Lines and they are said to form a grid that connects both outwardly, to a celestial grid of planets and stars, and inward, to a fractal-like micro grid of infinitesimal, planet-like bodies : atoms, electrons and quanta.
Check out the Wiki link for Geomancy, because there is an interesting looking gadget (since we are talking gadgets!) that derives from 13th century Egypt or Syria. Here is the link : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geomancy
I don't know if the link will post operably here at Blogger as they did at Myspace, but give it a try. That piece of gear is pretty mindblowing, looking as it does almost a machined piece of copper, with dials all gauged to astrological and celestial measurements.
Geomancy, according to the Wiki, was one of the seven "forbidden arts" of the Middle Ages, another of which was Necromancy, or talking with the deceased.
I find that copper instrument mindblowing, because it is indicative of not only a high knowledge from long ago, but a knowledge that was hidden or suppressed. Not simply discounted, as much of metaphysics has been by the modern scientific community, but actively suppressed. There is something in this ancient science that can tap into different types of power, power that involved this triple grid system and these ley lines.
I love this stuff, and I mention it to you only because you have a lot of knowledge and hands on experience with metaphysical practices. My background is more supernatural, but I think the disciplines are not too different. Metaphysics are based on an ancient (hidden or occulted) science, and the supernatural is something less formally structured, and yet highly intuitive.
At any rate, that's my word of the day - Geomancy.
I Love You, Elizabeth! I hope your day was good, and I will see you in the morning.
Sweet Dreams......... :):)
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