Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Rock Lake (more added) (megalithic structures added, and goodnight kiss)

Awesome lady! Wow, this is neat. I am just getting ready to go on my walk, so I will write more about it later tonight, but I wanted to mention Rock Lake. Of course I mean the Rock Lake which is located about 40 miles from where you live. Surely you know about it's reputation? I will guess that the answer is yes. Well, last week after finishing "The Philosopher's Stone", I began another Joe Farrell book, written in 2011, called "The Grid Of The Gods". And I just got to page 100, and he mentions Rock Lake. You probably already know why, but I didn't, and it blew my mind. So, I will leave it at that for the moment, and write more following my walk at around the usual time.

I Love You and hope you had a wonderful day!  :):)

(back in a bit.......)

10:10pm : Okay, you probably already know about the creature in Lake Mendota. I am getting carried away now, looking up stuff. You know how it is when you're researching something on the Internet, and you find one link, and it leads to another and so on. Well, I won't go too far off on a tangent, but I found a site in that manner, and it's called, and the "w" stands of course for Wisconsin, and as you can guess by the name of the web site, it's all about Weird Stuff In Wisconsin. And one of the Weird Things is the 35 foot serpentine creature that was spotted in Lake Mendota in the 1890s. Kinda like the Loch Ness monster, probably.
But initially, I was looking up stuff about Rock Lake. First of all, check out this video I found just a minute ago (and dig the narrator!) :

I'll be back in a few minutes......  :)

10:50 : Joe Farrell is primarily a researcher, so a lot of his work is based on previous research by others. His genius - and he is that - is for compiling it all and presenting it in a new way, unthought of before. But anyhow, his "Grid Of The Gods" is all about the energy grid inherant in the Earth. As I wrote in another blog, the grid and it's geometries extend both outward into the heavens and inward to the quantum world. The ancients understood that there were energy cycles (read about the Hindu Yugas) within these geometries, and that the very lines they were formed by - their geometric structures - acted as power sources of incredible influence on human beings and human consciousness. So, structures were built - pyramids, stone circles and henges, enormous earthen mounds, and others - to act as conduits for this electromagnetic rotational power that lay within the Earth, and extended to the sky and also inward to the particle world, like a Universal Gyroscope.

All these structures, from Stonehenge to Angkhor Wat (which we are gonna visit, maybe first on our list), to the pyramids in Rock Lake, were built according to exact arithmetic measurements to line up with the Great Pyramid at Giza as a prime meridian.

We are going back to a time, with this subject, when human consciousness - at least for the elites who built these structures - was so highly developed that it may have enabled them to commune (similar to communication) with each other at great distances, and also to commune with their gods (beings more evolved than them) at even greater distances. Structures were built to exact specifications with harmonic resonance in mind, and there is evidence to suggest that the Greek temples functioned not only as gathering places but also as receivers and transmiters of group psychic activity.

All of these ancient structures were part of a Global machine, that ulilised a science lost to modern man, a science of intuition and celestial/universal energy that allowed for a holistic form of interconnectivity between humans and whomever helped them to become civilised in the first place, their gods of myth.

At any rate, I am always fascinated by this stuff. We are definitely gonna visit Angkhor Wat, so get ready. I mention all this to you because you do know about the energies that are transmitted through certain crystals, rocks, harmonic sounds, and in other forms of transmission. Heck, I don't know what all you know, but I know you know a lot! As for me, I go by feel, as in most everything I do, and though I don't know of ley lines in the Valley area, I have no doubt there are some, and we have ancient sites here too, like the cave paintings in Chatsworth. I am really interested in the Earth Pulse energy, though, and how the ancient, antidiluvian peoples had a science that allowed them to identify it and utilise it, through their system of megalithic structures.

One of which is in a lake near your town!

So, that's all I know for tonight. I Love You, my Angel.

Sweet Dreams, Angkhor Wat here we come!  :):)  xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

(one last point, because I just saw your post about the dream, and that is You Rule.) more hugs and kisses xoxoxoxoxoxo

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