Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Explorers (more added)

Hey my Baby,

There was another incredible moon out tonight, really big. Did you see it? I went out late once again for my walk and saw it just as it was coming up. Awesome! Speaking of awesome, my Awesome Lady, I am now getting carried away with our future tour plans. Blame Joe Farrell, haha. In "Grid Of The Gods" I was reading about Puma Punku in Bolivia, and I thought, "well, we've gotta go there". That was yesterday. And we do have to go there. But then today, in the same book, I am reading about the Maoi heads on Easter Island. Now, those giant statues are something we've all known about for a long time. Like Stonehenge, they are ancient relics that actually get some publicity and are fairly well known, even if the mystery behind them isn't. Anyway, Joe F. got me interested in them, so I Googled "Easter Island Tours", and........

......some travel package links actually came back.

I had no idea you could actually visit a place like Easter Island. I thought it was so far out in the oceanic boondocks that there was nothing on it (except giant heads!), and that there was no way to get there, unless you were a scientist or explorer. But no, they have tours. Of course, you've gotta be up for a lengthy excursion, just because it is (truly) waaay out in the middle of nowhere,'s on the itinerary.

Another one that really blows my mind is called Mohenjo Daro in India. It is a dug-up ancient civilization that had streets and housing and plumbing and who knows what all, but then something happened to 'em, and whatever it was makes the place even more fascinating. Unfortunately, that one you can't visit (and India is not a place I am sure I would feel totally safe in, anyway).

But it's all exciting to think about!

Gonna eat something and will be back in a few.........  :):)

11:00pm : Yeah, it's weird and interesting, the difference in global travel possibilities now versus even twenty years ago. For one thing, it's really kind of mindblowing that air travel has only been around for a hundred and ten years, and really for all intents and purposes - for the public - since the 1950s. You could fly before then, but there was no transatlantic flight before Lindberg in 1927, and for about 40 years after that, really up until the late 1960s, flying to Europe was something only rich people did. The airline service was probably better, especially when the deluxe jumbo jets were first introduced, but air travel wasn't for mass consumption back then. Even in the 1980s, you didn't hear about people going to places like Easter Island, and now, at one of the travel links, there are hundreds of reviews of that particular travel package.

So, it's a wide open world. I have gotten hooked on ancient sites because of my reading, but we could always stick with the tried and true also: Paris, Rome, London, Berlin..........St. Petersberg.

With the ancient world, it's almost like visiting another world, a different world. Earth when it was different. And it is only now when people are getting the chance to see such places, so we are entering a new era, when human history will be re-examined and redefined.

Well, my Darling, I hope your day was good. I know school will be starting soon, and I get the feeling you do not feel as overwhelmed by it as perhaps you did earlier in your college career, and that is wonderful if so. I know it's a hell of a schedule to keep. Still, I encourage you to maintain all your other pursuits, artistic and otherwise, and I know you will. In life, it is always good to educate yourself, and immerse yourself and your curiosity in your heart's and mind's desires, even when you are pursuing a university degree. Just keep following your bliss, in other words! You are a very special young woman, Elizabeth. So talented and intelligent, but even more than that.....(it's the intangibles, you know).  
We will enjoy the rest of this beautiful season and then we will head into Fall, with great concerts soon to come and so much more; so many interesting things......

And love. Love is the constant.

Sweet Dreams, Special Lady. I Love You So Very Much.  xoxoxoxo  :):)

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