Monday, August 12, 2013

I Love My Angel (more added)

Hey my Angel,

I'm just getting home from Pearl's, gonna go for my walk in a little while, but I wanted to see how you are doing. When I don't hear from you, I worry, and I also wonder how everything is at home. I did see your Russian Circles post, and that is an album I album looking forward to myself. I have "Empros", and should check out their earlier stuff too. But the new one I am excited about, because they are a group that can really develop in composition and sound, a very creative type of band.

Anyhow, I hope you aren't mad at me. Maybe you're just busy. Whatever the case, the bottom line is that I Love You and I just can't help it, can't change it, wouldn't even if I could and that's all I really know. Once you came into my life, that was it: I will always love you from that day onward. 

And that also means I think about you constantly, and always, always, always care about you, and care for you.

So, if you ever are mad at me (or even sick of me!), you can tell me, or even run me over with a steamroller if necessary, or take any lesser measure, and everything will still be okay. The important thing is that you know I love you, not just from far away in blogs and on Facebook (though certainly from there, too), but from inside my heart. You can always count on me, I will always communicate, just as importantly I will always listen. I will always try to do my best for you, in every way.

So, I guess I will go for my walk now, but I will be back later, and will write again.

I Love You, Elizabeth!  xoxoxoxoxo  :):)   I am so glad I met you, so grateful...........

10:55pm - I guess I'm not sure if you are still reading these blogs anymore, although your Eric Whitacre post from Friday would indicate you are. Please know that as always, I am trying my best to communicate. If you don't want me to write anymore, please let me know. I remember last year, and how wonderful it was, and then the excitement of last Spring, and I hope we can get that feeling back. Even though it is not possible to recreate a moment in time, it is possible to sustain those most wonderful moments, to retain their glow. That is what creates a lifelong love between two people, maintaining that glow, and it's simple to do: all you have to do is want to feel it. When there is someone special in your life, that is not only easy to do, but you can't help but do it. That's the way I feel about you.

I hope you still feel the same way about me.

I will hope for the best, and say my prayers, and may tomorrow be a great day.  :):)

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