My Baby! I had to write this minute because I love you so much I can barely hold it all! I am about to become twins, I love you so much. :):) A giant hug and kiss has just been sent your way. More to come.
(My goodness, woman...............)
back later xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
10:50pm - I'm back from my walk. It's another cool evening, maybe 60 degrees, beautiful but unsummerlike. I had a really nice day today and I hope you did too. I started the day with prayer and quiet meditation, just to strengthen my intent toward everything I have desired since meeting you. I don't know if a person is supposed to talk about prayer, or just keep it between himself and God, but I liked the feeling - the aftereffects - so much that I wanted to briefly describe them. I so much believe in love, Elizabeth; love for life, of course, but romantic love specifically, and the love and strength of family. To me, everything comes back to that. Everyday life is affected by many factors; astrological spin, biorhythms, diet & physical energy, reaction to the world at large, closer reactions to specific people, and on and on. It is interesting, is it not, that every day is different in human life, even if periods can go by when "sameness" seems the norm. But really, we all experience fluctuations all the time, and I am finding it interesting to identify the sources of the fluctuations. It's just one more aspect of the mystery I enjoy so much about day to day life.
To me, everything begins with romantic love. That probably, in my case, has something to do with my astrology, maybe past life experience, a combination of factors. But romantic love, to me, means finding, loving and sharing your life with that one special person who becomes your family. Then, if children come along, the family is expanded, and love is radiated outward. Therefore, ideally, in loving families love radiates outward into the world and is blended. And so goes life. That is all ideally speaking, of course, and the world may not be ideal, but in my mind, when I center my thoughts, and pray and meditate on them, I can feel that ideal within me.
I am just having fun writing about all of this tonight, so you can read it in that light, but I am really interested in the idea of romance. Your major has been linguistics, and the word "romance" has got to come from "roman", does it not? And if so, I wonder if it comes from Roman philosophy, maybe as opposed to the Greek philosophy of love of mankind in general, i.e. democracy, brotherhood, et al. Of course, that is an important kind of love as well, but I think when you break it down - in fact I am certain of it - all love starts with love between two people. That love - romantic love - is what begins a family, and without that procreation, there can be no humans to share the democratic love of all mankind. But a family can consist of a basis of two people, which is what begins the outward radiation.
What I am interested in tonight is just the spiritual aspect (that's what I am always interested in, right?) of what draws two people together, in this Universe, to provide and share love with one another. Air is important. Food and water are important. Is love the most important of all?
Maybe not from a scientific viewpoint, but certainly from a spiritual standpoint. Science doesn't study the spirit.
I am writing about it tonight because this morning, I wanted to "center" (as they say) my intentions for the future, and so I prayed and meditated (two seperate things) on those intentions, and they centered around you.
Afterwards, I had a really good day. I don't know if it made sense in trying to write about it, but I wanted to do so anyway. Just because I love you. Now it's time for a hug and kiss goodnight.
Sweet dreams, my Angel. I will see you in the morn. xoxoxoxoxoxo
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