Hey my Darling,
I saw your Mastering post this morning at Pearl's. Does this mean that your EP is now being mastered? If so, that is very exciting news! I had been wondering what the state of your recording was, but I didn't wanna keep bugging you about it, and anyway, a while back you alluded, via a symbolic post, that it was going well but was gonna "take a little while". That was the nature of the post, and you made it in response to when I originally did ask about your recording sessions, maybe last Spring. But, if it is now being completed, that is fantastic! I can't wait to hear it, so keep me posted. :)
I will be around till 12:45pm, then I have to pick up Pearl from a Reseda Women's Club meeting, then take her shopping, and then I will be around for a little while before my 4:30 shift. Have an awesome afternoon, it's a great day. I Love You! :):)
(back later.......)
3:05pm : Ha! That's the best "baby" picture yet. :) That's your friend in the picture, right? That is a classic shot, and her Dad is a stylin' guy, but the best part is..........(wait for it)...........you're my Baby!
Ain't it the truth. :):)
And if there's one thing My Baby knows, it's that I Love My Baby...........
(back this eve....)
10:50pm : I can't say anything about that Captcha without being inappropriate myself, lol, or at least losing my gentleman status, but the Captcha seems to know that those three words kind of go together, like an equation. Man + hand =................well, you get the idea.
I wonder what else the Captcha knows? Dang mind reading 'bots.......
Today is Midsummer. Today or tomorrow, one of the two. I hate the way they try to end summer early, with Fall advertising, and late August school start-ups. Listen people - Summer's only half over! Don't let 'em shortchange you.
I am still waiting for Summer to truly kick in here in L.A. Or, I should say "in the Valley", cause Summer, at least in the past, was always a whole lot hotter here in the Valley than in L.A. the city. In The Valley, the mountains trap the heat, but we are close enough to the ocean (25 miles) that if there is a marine layer of overcast clouds blowing in, the mountains will trap that, too. And that is what we've had recently, full overcast in the morn, and afternoons that feel more like spring than summer. It's pleasant, and really, you might consider it ideal summer weather..........but I am missing my heat! In the past, you could always count on weeks of 95 degrees or hotter, but ever since the climate change we've had mild summers.
Summer here in SoCal tends to extend to Halloween, and even sometimes till Thanksgiving, so maybe the heat will come. But in any event, don't let 'em gyp you out of the rest of your Summer. It lasts until September 21, school or no school, advertising or no advertising, and I remind you of this as a Summer Traditionalist.
Well, I resumed my walks this eve. I couldn't take it anymore! To start back up with, I only did a half walk, but I will go back to full length within a day or two. Wanna resume my night photography, too.
I am super excited to hear your music, whenever it is done, of course. That is where we left off, in our one-on-one conversations last Summer and early Fall. That was right about the time you first went into the studio. We were always talking about music then, and we will again.
I Love You, Elizabeth! Sweet Dreams, my Angel. xoxoxoxo :):)
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