Saturday, August 24, 2013

Pearl's Birthday (fortune cookie added)

Happy Saturday evening, my Darling,

I hope you've been having a nice weekend. Today was Pearl's birthday, so my sister Vickie came over with her husband, and we took Pearl over to a local Chinese restaurant called The Great Wall for a humongous lunch. It's funny, because it's just in the middle of a little shopping area in Reseda - nothing fancy - but it has been used as a location in a few movies, most notably the recent thriller "Drive" with Ryan Gosling. We just think of it as our local Chinese joint with a great lunch special, so we went for lunch and ordered a ton of food. I don't usually eat that much, so I was kind of beached for the rest of the day. Pearl is 89 as of today, but still doing well. She had a really nice time, so that made me happy, and all in all it was a good day.

The rest of the afternoon, we just went shopping as usual (me & Vickie, and this time her hubby too), and this eve I have just been hanging out. Right now I am listening to an opera on KUSC. Don't know which opera, but I am enjoying it anyway. :)

I will post now to tell you I Love You, and then come back in a few minutes to write more and tell you again!

11:11pm : The opera was "Candide" by Leonard Bernstein. Turns out it's his birthday tomorrow, that's why they were playing it. You know, I have a radio in my apartment I never turn off (very rarely, to be specific), and I always leave it tuned to KUSC, mostly at low volume, because the classical music is like a drip-feeder spiritual nutrient supply, for me it's a really positive influence. But because I have it on 24/7, even when I sleep (at barely audible volume), I don't overtly acknowledge a lot of the music. In other words, I am listening passively much of the time rather than actively. So the fact that the Lenny Bernstein opera jumped out at me must mean it's a good one.

Did you see the interview with Neige? The guy at Alcest Peru posted it last night on FB. Here is the link :  If the link doesn't work, just go to Alcest Peru on FB.

It's a pretty good interview considering the short length. He comes across as pretty relaxed, too, even a little jovial, although I wonder how the metalhead fans will take it that he says "no more metal", or something to that effect. Him and Mikael of Opeth; both guys have switched from their signature sound without regard to the reaction. But that's what being progressive is all about! I am really interested to hear what the new one is gonna sound like, and I think we will get a sampling at the upcoming shows, only a few weeks away now.

Well, my Beloved Angel, that is all I know for today. They gave us fortune cookies at the end of our lunch today, and mine said : "You have a strong desire for a home and your family comes first".

In one of my last Myspace blogs, I wrote "you are my home".

And you know I already think of you as my family.

I Love You, Elizabeth, and I will see you in the morning. Sweet Dreams.  xoxoxoxoxo  :):)  

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