Saturday, August 17, 2013


Good Evening, my Darling,

My sister Vickie and I were with Sophie all afternoon in Glendale, then I came back and went straight to Pearl's, so tonight I'm just taking it easy, reading and still enjoying the quiet in my building. If you knew how noisy this place has been for the past three years (some really obnoxious tenants) you would see why I so love the quiet, lol. This time, I think it may extend into the school year, as we seem to have a better crowd of people here for once. All summer long, you can hear a pin drop..........I love it!

Vickie and I took Sophie to a restaurant called Islands, an upscale SoCal "surfer" themed burger joint. You know me, I've been on the No Fun Diet for a few years now, but today I said the hell with it, and I had a giant sized hamburger with blue cheese, a huge side of fries, two diet cokes, and then at the end, when the waiter brought out an enormous piece of Hot Fudge Cake (everything in these chain restaurants is enormous!), I ate about half of that, too. I try to be a good boy with my eating habits, and mostly I am plant based, but today was a treat and I can get away with that. But now it's back to split peas, oatmeal & blueberries, black beans, salmon, almonds & bananas & raisins, a tub of cottage cheese here and there for calcium, spinach, and veggies, veggies, veggies. And avocados every day. I just read an article that said they are "nature's perfect food". But then they say that about broccoli, too.

At any rate, it was good to have my sisters together, and we had a nice lunch.

Hope you had a great day too!

I Love You :):)

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