Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Nice Evening + Photography (sweet dreams)

Good Evening, Awesome Lady,

I just got home a few minutes ago. A typical Sunday, though certainly a beautiful day, upper 80s, nice breeze. Took Kobi to CSUN. Feeling quite a bit better today, energy-wise. I hope you are enjoying your weekend and I like the photos you posted. The one with the stairs reminds me of MC Escher, with a little bit of Dali and Jerry Uelsmann mixed in.

We did some experiments with surrealism in photo class, way back in 11th grade, and the creation of double or multiple images in a single print could be achieved somewhat in the camera, by double exposure, but much more precisely by the mixing of imagery from two seperate photographic negatives onto one print, via the enlarger in the darkroon. This was done by techniques known as dodging and burning, and also solarization. You can Google 'em if you want to. I had a couple of so-so results with these experiments and I still have the prints. But it was fun, and very creative, to do it right through the enlarger.

I love photography! And I'm glad you do too. :):)

I saw you Megatone post, too. Did you go to the Madison Music Awards? And I'm assuming you went to the Chicago Agalloch show, too. A busy but fun weekend! I didn't take any photos this weekend, but I was just trying to get my energy back. Plus, I was shopping and dogwalking with my buddies, and today doing The Sunday Thing. Hopefully I will be back on the trails in a couple days.

Right now I'm gonna walk down to the market guessed it: avocados! Gotta have 'em or I'll get withdrawals, lol. So I'll be back about 8:30ish. Then I'll finish my walk later.

It's a nice Sunday evening and I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Midnight : Just to wish you Sweet Dreams and a good start to the week.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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