Happy Sunday afternoon, my Darling. I'm at home, doing some dishes and staying out of the heat. It's officially Summer now! I took the Kobester to CSUN this morn, did a little more shopping. Grimsley called and said that Ticket To Ride are gonna be playing for free tonight at Warner Center Park. You remember them, the Beatles tribute band. I've seen 'em a bunch of times and they play Warner Center every Summer, but usually in August or September. This is the first time they've played so early in the season and I didn't know about it until Grim told me. So, I am gonna head over after I leave Pearl's at 6:30. The concert starts at 6pm, and it'll be 7 by the time I get there and get parked, etc. So I'll only get to see the last hour, but they are always good, and you can't go wrong with live Beatles music, especially for free.
It should end at 8pm, which means I'll be home about 8:30 - 8:45pm. Then the evening will proceed as usual. I hope you are having a nice day. Starting Tuesday I wanna do some more trails, so I'll be on the lookout for new ones, if there are any left that are not too rugged. Trails and/or scenic drives, too, if I can find some that I can do during my 2-3 hours breaks on the days when Pearl is at Church or Club. It will be a fun week anyway, with the 4th coming up on Friday.
I'll be around either here or at Pearl's until 6:30, then back home about 8:30ish.
I Love You, and also.........You Rule! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
8:50pm : Hi, Sweet Baby, I'm back. It was a lot of fun, though brief. Tons of people there, probably 7-10k. I had to park a half mile away. Grimsley never showed, but his loss cause the band was great as always. Warner Center is about 9 miles from Northridge, but there was no traffic coming back, so I made it in about 20 minutes. A nice vibe for a Sunday Summer night. So, I'm gonna take my shoes off for a little while cause I've been on my feet all evening, and then I'll put 'em back on later to finish my walk.
I Love You and I'll be back later at the usual time. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
11:30pm : I'm listening to the Elliott Carter music I just posted. He was known for being way far out there in terms of Modernism and atonal or serial composing. This is actually the first time I've ever consciously sat and listened to an entire piece of his. He kinda makes Schoenberg sound conventional, lol. I actually love the Schoenberg album on Deutche Grammophone called "Das Klavierwerk". It's as atonal as it gets, but not so herky-jerky as this Carter piece. This one does have it's moments, though, and the funny thing is, you actually have to know how it goes to play it, lol.
I know many folks would dismiss this type of piece within 30 seconds from the beginning - my Dad certainly would have, and he is the reason I got into classical music - but I give it a chance, just because I am always in search of new piano repertoire. Well, now it has finished, and I was not overly impressed. Not as bad as Iannis Xanakis, but he's no Schoenberg, either. That type of atonality - that actually makes you feel something - is difficult to pull off.
Tonight turned into The Mercury Hour as Mom would've called it. I think I've mentioned The Mercury Hour before, "Mercury" as in communication. It's funny because nine times out of ten, I post something on FB and nobody responds. But once in a while there is a Mercury Hour phenomenon and tonight was one of those nights. My friend Mike used to play violin as a child, and I think I already mentioned, too, that I've known him since 1970 but haven't seen him since 1989, and also that I got him into MGM (at the lab) three months after I began working there, and so began his career in the film biz. Anyway, Mike used to play violin for many years, and he got quite good. Prior to him becoming my FB friend a couple months ago, I had not spoken to him since 1989, 25 years. Hence, The Mercury Hour.
At any rate, my girl, my favorite is Mercury Hour with you, or even Mercury Day, Week, etc, etc. I just feel really happy right now, and I like the way things are flowing at the moment. Did you go to the outdoor concert tonight, the one from your friend Paul's post? Very cool that his band's song got picked up. I know you did their recent pics, good ones as always.
That's all I know for tonight, my Angel. I will see you in the morn and we will have a fun week.
I Love You and wish you Sweet Dreams. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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