Good Evening, my Beautiful, Artistic and Sweet Baby,
I am home, and I am looking at because your friend reported tornadoes. It says thunderstorms for you guys tonight. 100% chance rain. My goodness. That is some weird weather! Now I am gonna check out your ten-day forecast......okay, it's looking pretty good for 4th of July : 77 degrees, partly cloudy with only a 10% chance of rain. After that weekend it gets a little sketchy again, with some isolated t-storms projected, but it doesn't look as bad as this past week. And your 4th weekend should be good.
You deserve sunny days of nice weather. :)
I liked your tattoo this morn, and I especially like the idea of the henna tattoo, because not only do you not have to do anything permanent, but you can keep doing different ones - if and when you want to, at your discretion - and in that way, you are your very own ever evolving canvas. You are part of your art.
We went to the basketball park this morn, and had fun, but boy am I a terrible shot these days, haha. But I am glad I started our park routine, it has livened things up for Pearl, and the Kobester loves it. He starts barking every morning when he knows it's park time.
Then I came home and watched a movie. Redbox sent me a freebie code, so I used it to get "Devil's Knot", about the West Memphis 3 case. I had read the book about ten years ago, and as you know I have followed that case since the beginning. The movie was very good, not quite as revealing as the "Paradise Lost" documentaries or "West Of Memphis", but still quite engaging, for lack of a better word. It's also very grim subject matter, and so not for the squeamish.......
Then this afternoon I finally finished "Transhumanism". Man, you don't so much read some of these books as absorb them by osmosis. The language is professorial and it is assumed that the reader is versed in esoteric subjects like Hermeticism and Masonic Rites and very obscurely written philosophical criticism.
So, being a layman, you have to slog your way through some passages, but then..........when you get to the end..........because it's a Joe all sinks in, and you feel like your mind has been expanded by several acres. His books are all mindblowers, this one is right up there at the top.
So, tonight I will take a mental break, do a little Amazon surfing, see what's happening and then go for my walk. I hope you are having a nice evening. I Love You and will be back at the usual time!
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo XOXOXOXOXOXO xoxoxoxoxxoxoXOXOxoxoxoxoxXO :):)
(giant-sized ones)
11:45pm : I saw the all the conversations this morning, on FB, about the whole Hobby Lobby thing, but I wasn't aware of that case so I didn't know what it was all about. All I know, in the long run, is that people are better off controlling as much of their own destiny as they can manage. Expecting the Supreme Court to make a ruling in anyone's favor (conservative or liberal) is ultimately a losing proposition, especially nowdays, because it puts the citizen at the mercy of the system, and right now that system is more powerful than ever before, and they've got everybody divided up on two sides, and those sides seem to be tending to extremes. It's not a good situation - a similar situation of "us vs. them" led to the Civil War - and a way out, or at least a partial way out, is to simply not participate, or to participate as little as possible, in the daily "us vs. them" battles that the media so loves to perpetuate.
It's funny because in the past, the only Supreme Court decisions that made news were ones like Brown vs. Board of Education or Roe vs Wade. But now, because everybody seems to be on one "team" or another, every decision becomes a political war.
The thing is, it's just a store. It's like a Chic-Fil-A, run by conservative Christians, and some of these franchises that likely started in the Bible Belt have done well enough to open up in more liberal states.
So all people have to do is not shop there, and don't apply for a job there. It's pretty simple.
What gets me, when I see all the hubub about these issues, is that people - on the left or right - always assume the sky is falling. The right think Obama is a communist and the left think the conservative Christians control the government and that, pretty soon, they will have to answer to the Church for every thing they do.
But if you take a step back, and look at the big picture of history, what you see is that America is all about (at least since the late 19th century) progress related to development and the dollar.
Development meaning anything that gives the elite more control.
But the type of control they really want is not some Hitlerian fascistic police state, where the cops are in your bedroom and the government is controlling your health.
No, the control they want is the same as what they have always wanted, and that goes for either political party, or even the Libertarians or Tea Party or anyone who wants to play that game. It is to control the flow of people's lives, keep 'em on the 24/7 cycle, keep 'em corporatized, in their thinking as well as their buying habits, entertainment habits, what they talk about at the water cooler, etc.
It's all about herding people into a Groupthink mentality, and then, in this case in America, splitting them into two sides so that they are especially focused on the system, and their side of the battle - their stake in it, their "team", and who is going to "win". So, when a simple contraceptives case is decided, it becomes a big deal to people. And nobody ever wins because America just goes along, doing it business. And it will continue to go along like it is going, as long as people keep participating in the American Groupthink mentality,
And all the same people, all across America don't realize just how much freedom they actually do have, and that freedom lies in the opportunities they have, everywhere and everyday, not to participate.
Don't shop at a certain store, don't apply for a job at a certain place. Allow the people on either side to live their lives, and don't waste energy on a constant battle with them.
It was like the whole Duck Dynasty thing. Yes, that guy was a Yahoo. But then it wasn't black and white. He was articulate enough to state his position. Where he comes from, a whole lot of people agree with him. But then, corporate America (in this case a TV station and various marketers) see an opportunity to make a quick fortune, because not only are a lot of people behind the guy, but there are also a lot of people who spend energy on hating him, even though they've never heard of him.
That energy is wasted, because where he comes from, people have been shooting ducks for hundreds of years, and they're gonna keep doing it. Backwoodsers are a part of life in America. It's just that Corporate America only recently realised, when Wal-Mart became gigantic, that there was huge money to be made off of pitting that part of lesser-educated (whatever that means), blue-collar, lower-middle class rural America against the more "developed" part, i.e. Blue State suburbia and major cities.
Anyway, it is my hope that people in this country will stop turning to the media in order to see what they are supposed to pay attention to each day. I don't mean to stop watching all news, but just to stop taking sides in the everyday battles the media promotes in order to keep the "dialogue of division" going.
People have so much freedom in this country, and one of the most important freedoms is the right not to do something. Whatever that something may be, you don't have to do it. And in that way, you are out of the fight, a media and corporate created fight, and you are then free to live your life as a human being.
That's all I know for tonight, my Darling. I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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