Sunday, June 1, 2014

Black Kitty, Black Metal, Pulu Si Bagumba (You Have Earned It)

Hi my Darling,

I am home. Boy, I have really tamed the Black Kitty at Pearl's. Now she'll let be brush her, and she even comes down off the roof of the shed to follow me around. Maybe she can eventually be a house cat, though Kobi probably wouldn't go along with that idea. But, we've come a long way from when she was purely feral and would run at the sight of me bringing her food. Makes me happy! :)

Typical Sunday: Kobi to CSUN, etc. Took a nap this afternoon, feel good now. I like the picture of Fenriz. For a while I was listening to a lot of second wave Black Metal, including Darkthrone and Carpathian Forest and Marduk and Immortal and all that stuff. I don't listen to a ton of it anymore, but two bands did stick with me : Emperor and Dissection (Jon, the leader of Dissection, was a psycho, but that doesn't take away the power or quality of the music). Both of those bands were early second wave, late 80s/early 90s, on the heels of Celtic Frost and Venom.

I hope your day was good. My friend Ryan (aka The Prime Minister from the photos) is gonna come over to accompany me on my walk, which will be at the usual time. Back at the usual time, too. The "Pulu Si Bagumba" shirt is from a line in an episode of "Gilligan's Island". It's a classic line, and I Googled it for some ridiculous unknown reason, and the shirt came back! So I had to post it.......

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

(back in a bit)

11:40pm : Well, it is late once again, and so I will say goodnight and wish you sweet dreams. I can imagine you are feeling a little different as we head into Summer. All done with school (or mostly), yet likely with a lot of projects planned. It can be unsettling to be suddenly out of a schedule. But right now, after all the work you have put in over the years, you owe it to yourself to enjoy. Have a blast in the coming days.

Are you working this Summer? Regardless, the verdict is the same. Have a blast, and keep doing what you have been, creatively. That's my advice.


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