Good Afternoon, my Darling,
Happy Sunday! I am just getting home after typical Sunday morning stuff; church for Pearl and CSUN for Kobi. It's muggy and hot here, so I'm gonna stay home until it's time to go back.
Yeah, bookstores. While I must say that I love Amazon, because you can find anything there, and at a low price, too, I sure do miss the days of book stores and record stores. Even the chain bookstores seem to be going out of business these days. In Reseda, there used to be several excellent used book stores up until about 10 years ago, then they started going under. Now what I like to do is to hit the library book sales. You can find all kinds of good stuff there for about a buck or two per book. My problem is that I am slowly booking myself out of my apartment, lol. It's very small, as you know, and right now I've got three bookcases in here that are filled, and books are stacked on top of each bookcase as well. Then I've got books on the floor. All neatly stacked, mind you. :)
But still they are taking over!
If I was gonna have a bookstore, I would want it to be really alternative, a kind of occult/collectors bookstore, with all kinds of stuff that's weird or just different. Old books would be a specialty. There would have to be at least a little bit of dust on the shelf in that section. I'd have special events, like seances and trips to record EVP. Seances would feature absolutely no theatrics or phoney stuff, though. They would be very respectful. I'd have guest authors come in for signings - Dr. Joe, Stephen King, Edward Lee.....
I think there is still a place for the niche bookstore and record store, if done right.
Well, I know what I'm gonna do now : read some Giza Death Star until it's time to go back!
and probably play a little guitar, too.
I Love You, my Beautiful Angel. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
(usual schedule....)
7:30pm : Just a check-in to say I'm home. Kind of a quiet weekend, just work and shopping really, but looking forward to the week ahead. I hope you are getting to do some fun stuff, too. Sometimes for me it's good just to recharge my batteries, so I'll just do my walk, in two parts, then later maybe watch an episode of "Danger Man" with the indestructible Patrick McGoohan. That's one thing I haven't been doing enough of lately, is watching the TV shows that I have on dvd. I ordered a bunch of 'em, entire series of X-Files, The Prisoner, Danger Man, Millennium. I need two of me to do all the stuff I wanna do.
I'll be here til 8:30, you know the drill. :)
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
11:30pm : Those are two beautiful things to post, Elizabeth. I love your friend's picture. Sebastian, that is. It's hiking season all over the country, and time to go up high! I am guessing that he is on top of a bluff overlooking one of the lakes, maybe Lake Michigan? I say that, rather than Mendota, because I have only seen level, rocky shores of that lake. A great depiction no matter the location.
And I love your post just now from Alison Scarpulla. The Rumi quote is very beautiful, and the photo itself is very You, because you are a seer, a diviner in the overall sense. You are tuned in to harmonic energy and how it connects to your life. If the Rumi quote is meant for me, then all I can say is that it's mutual because I have really come alive creatively since I met you, at least I sure have felt creative. My interest in the land, too. All since I met you. So if that's "my beauty", I see it in You.
You See, You Send, I Receive and I Send Back. It's a Relay, an Energy Cycle.
It's Love, and it's also Inspiration. It's often High Spirited.
So thanks, my Darling. Because it's harmonic, it's your energy and mine.
I Love You, Elizabeth. Soon we will do everything together.
Sweet Dreams, my Angel. I will see you in the morning.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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