Friday, July 11, 2014

Happy Friday Night :):) (back from Aliso) (squeaky)

Hi, my Darling,

I'm writing from Pearl's because I am gonna meet Grimsley up at Aliso once again after work. We are gonna walk the trail up and back, so I will be home between 8:30 and 9pm, just like last time. I hope you had a nice day, and that your weekend is off to a great start. I will be off tomorrow for 5 days, beginning at 9:30am. One more early wake-up and then five sleep-ins, coming up. Oh boy!

Well, I just wanted to check in and tell you I Love You. I will see you when I get back from Aliso.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

9pm : I am back. Sweet Baby is nothing if not always funny, and I have to agree that long afternoon naps (or even short ones) are high on my list of Things That Rule! My own Le Chat Noir loves 'em too, out on the patio table at Pearl's, and two of her other favorite things are to entice me to come over and pet her while she's laying there, and then to take a swing at me when she remembers that she used to be feral. It's like, "ooh, pet me, pet me, pet me.......yeah, that's nice, yeah right there behind my ears......oh, thank you, that feels so good........SWING!

Out of the blue, so you've gotta be careful or you wind up with bloody claw marks on the back or your hand. But she's got the right idea about naps. Nowdays, rarely a day goes by where I don't get at least a 5 or 10 minuter in there at some point during the day. But today I was on the go since 7:30 at Pearl's, then all the way out to Glendale to take my sister shopping, then all the way back (but at least listening to new Judas Priest the whole time). Then it was back to Pearl's and then at 6:30 I drove up to Aliso to meet Grim for a walk. So, I've been go-go-going, but now I am back.

And.......I Love my Baby!!

So I will now take my shoes off and relax, but I won't take a nap, because if I do I'll be out like a light. And I've still gotta finish my walk.......yeah, I know I'm crazy, but somebody's gotta be. So first, relax, then finish walk, then I'll be back at the usual time. Boy am I ever looking forward to those five sleep-ins. :)

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

(back in a bit)

11:35pm : You aren't kidding with that Peter Hollens post. The English dude in the video nailed it, and I will tell you what the worst example is, of that kind of "song". I admit that from time to time I have listened to the alt rock station, usually while driving, just because I got tired of the classic rock station and the 35 different songs they play. Alt rock has some songs I like from the 90s, but they also have "songs" like the one that goes "I got twenty dollars in my pock-et.........this is f***ing awesome". Not only does it feature incredibly stupid lyrics, but even more annoyingly, it has one of those idiotic "squeaky bassoon" style noises throught it's interminable duration.


It's been going on for so long now, all the rap and dumbell culture stuff, that when I hear it I just mutter to myself, "...the opposite of Yes.....", as if to acknowledge that people once did listen to something other than this stuff.

But the guy in the video sure nailed it; it's a formula with which to hook people who have been dumbed down. Just be glad you are not one of them, lol.

Well, tonight "supertired" is the key word. So I will sign off for now, and wish you Sweet Dreams, and then I will see you in the morn.

I Love You, Elizabeth!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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