Hi, my Darling,
I am just home from Pearl's. I hope everything is okay, cause we are back to zero page views for the past day and a half, and I haven't seen you on FB since yesterday morning. Not that you have to be there, or here, at any given time. Of course you are on your own schedule. It's just that....well, you know how I said I can feel it if something seems a little off? It kinda feels like that right now. Not in a major way, but just a little bit.
So as I said last night, I hope everything is okay at home. I hope you are feeling well, and not sick or anything. If anything is wrong, you know you can always tell me if you want to. You know I always care, and will always listen and help in any way I can.
Well, anyway, maybe it's nothing. If so, please disregard the above. I Love You, you know. And, I know sometimes you feel like being quiet, not interacting a lot, and that's cool too. Whatever feels right to you. :)
Today was a typical Tuesday. If you were on FB at all, then maybe you saw my pics from Sage Ranch Park. It was a fun little trip - though hot - but it's not one I will make on a regular basis because the road is a little scary, as I said on FB. It's in disrepair, and so narrow that I am not sure two cars could pass going in opposite directions. And if that happened, there would be no way to turn around.......
But anyhow, it's all good because the place is deserted, even more than Corriganville. I only saw one other person on the trail, and that's probably even a rare thing. The views are pretty awesome, looking down at the tops of the lower hills like from a helicopter, way up high.
Tonight is Usual Schedule. Here til 8:30, then walk, etc. I hope to hear from you, but if for whatever reason you can't post at the moment, no worries.
I Love You, Elizabeth. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
(back in a bit)
11:30pm : I saw your posts earlier, so from the looks of things, all is well? It seems to be, though if there is a complex message involved I have yet to figure it out, lol. At a glance, I will guess you have been busy with art projects, maybe painting, and going to parks, et al, and hanging out w/ friends, and then watching Jon Stewart in the evening!
Now, I know you might mean something more specific, and if you do, you know it will seep in for me, because we share a psychic wavelength and I always understand your complex messages, given enough time.
But I think you are just having fun and working on projects.
I have gotta say that I had a blast last week, making my first new drawing in three years, and my first ever using chalk pastels. The whole thing is still sitting in one place, on the arms of a chair. Everything : the drawing, the oversized clipboard it's held by, and all the chalk and oil pastels (and a pencil) that I used to make it. I've got the whole mess balanced on the big art clipboard, on the arms of a chair. And it's sitting there because I need to get to the art store for some fixer. Otherwise it's gonna be One Big Smudge.
They say you can use hairspray, too. Should I try that?
It may depend on how much they want for the fixer!
But it's been a blast making it, and it ties in with the feeling I've had on my most recent trips to Santa Susana and even today up at Sage Ranch. They are all some weird places, because they have the Oldness still intact in an area of high population and development. It's such a trip, because in the Valley you've got two million people, and cars galore. But then drive 15 or 20 minutes into the hills, and.......
There's nobody. It might as well be the 1800s.
Or even 5000 years ago.
So the dichotomy is a trip. And the everyday stuff just flows right past me anyway. I feel the ancient stuff all the time.
It's all systems entanglement, or so it seems.......
I am glad all is well. I am enjoying listening to Mompou, a new discovery.
I Love You, my Sweet Baby! I will see you in the morning and we will have another awesome day.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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