Happy 4th, my Darling,
I just wanted to check in before heading back to Pearl's. We went to Lake Balboa earlier and had a nice time watching the ducks and also some beautiful sparrow-sized black birds with red and yellow stripes on each shoulder. I will try and find out what they were. When they opened their wings to fly, the red/yellow stripes expanded - really pretty!
I hope you are having a nice holiday with family or friends or whoever you are celebrating with. :)
I have been at home since about noon, but that gave me a chance to really clean the joint up. I think I may head straight up to the church right after Pearl's. Not 100% sure yet. It'll depend on if anyone wants to come with me to see the fireworks and maybe do a mini-hike at Limekiln beforehand.
I always love the fireworks, that's for sure. And you will be there because I take you with me everywhere I go. :):)
So, have a blast, both literally and figuratively, my Baby. I'll be around till 6:30 at Pearl's, and then I should be back maybe a little after 10pm, depending on the traffic.
I Love You! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
11:50pm : Hi, my Darling. I got back a little later than anticipated, due to a humongous crowd and a slow crawl back to the car. But, it was a fantastic show, solid fireworks for 25 minutes straight. Super nice people at that church, and it must cost them a small fortune to put on that show, but everybody in the area really looks forward to it each year. Grimsley wound up coming with me, so I didn't have to go alone after all.
I hope you had a nice 4th, whatever you wound up doing. I saw your doggie post while I was at Pearl's, and it reminded me of Kobi, because we have a guy next door to Pearl who blows off his own fireworks every year and it scares the little guy half to death, according to Pearl. I know their ears are sensitive and it sucks, however, the "impending doom" angle and Dog Commentary in the Oatmeal cartoon was funny, and about exactly what the Kobester would say. While I was at Pearl's this eve, the guy's car was not there, so maybe Kobe lucked out.
I have gotta say that I have really loved these recent days and our feeling of togetherness and possibility. I loved the line in Alison Scarpulla's photo because that is exactly how I feel about life, and Elizabeth, I am so happy and so beyond grateful to know and love you because you know these special things.
Elizabeth, not a lot of people get it, meaning the (?) in life. You see, I can't even describe it, so I present it with a symbol instead. It's not something that can be described, or should be described, perhaps.
But you get it, you understand.
I think it has to do with faith, curiosity, and a Promise. That's the feeling I get. It's as if God knows that not many people Get It, and though He loves all people, He reserves something special (as Alison Scarpulla noted) for the people who notice The Indescribable. So long as they have faith in that mystery, that there is something glorious behind it, and so long as they remain curious about it, and try to articulate it through works of art (try to symbolise it in other words), God reserves a Promise for them.
I think there is a special Promise for those who look into the world, notice what can't be described and hold on to that and keep it.
You already get this.
I like to look at the rocks in Chatsworth. They are 60 million years old, and that blows me away. But because I believe there is Spirit in everything, I believe that those rocks get it, too.
Probably not in the way we get it, but all the same - they do get it. You can feel it when you are out there in those fields, near the rocks, away from all the traffic and "everyday" stuff.
When you are out there, you can feel this feeling, and you know that the rocks get it, and the birds get it, and so on.
We get it on a different level, perhaps. Or perhaps not.
But it all has to do with a Promise, I think. "Stay with Me, stay with This, these things you are thinking about.......and I will show you more. I will give you more".
I think it's kind of a Quiet Thing, because you know you really can't explain it to most folks.
People either get it, or they don't. Most don't, and that's cool, cause God Bless Them anyway.
But when you are one of the few who do get it, it's pretty wonderful to know and love someone else who does, too.
This was an awesome day. I Love You, Elizabeth. Sweet Dreams......
I will see you in the morning. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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