Monday, July 7, 2014

Monday Night Love (Two Years Of Love)

Hi my Darling,

I am still at Pearl's, but I wanted to say that I might be home a little later this evening because Grimsley and I may go to visit our friend Ryan after I get off. He is moving to Arizona on Wednesday so this is the last we will see of him for a while. Right now I am just waiting to hear from Grim to see if he wants to go or not, but if we do go, I'll still be home by 9:30 at the latest. Not gonna stay super long.

I hope you had a nice day and I will talk to you when I get back.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:20pm : We did wind up going to see Ryan, and then Grim came with me on my walk back at CSUN. This afternoon I watched a very powerful - though sad and brutal - film : "Lone Survivor". Top of the line for a war film, though I know that's more of a guy thing. Other than that it was another quiet day. Tomorrow I will try the Andora trail again or possibly the one on Lilac Lane. It's supposed to be a cool, overcast morning, so I hope that forecast holds.

I hope you had a good day. It was two years ago tonight that I first said those words: "I Love You", and they mean even more today because of all we have felt and shared with each other in the time since then, and how we have come to know one another. It's really pretty amazing if you think about it.

Sweet Dreams, my Angel. I wish I was with you right now.

I Love You. Many, many hugs and kisses.  :):)

Love, Adam

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