Good Afternoon, my Darling,
Happy Friday! I like the doggie picture, it reminds me of some of the poses and faces Kobi makes when he's being cute. The dog in the picture thinks he's a Sheik! I've got all kinds of different names for different Kobi personas, such as "Mountain Goat" when he walks up high on the back edge of the sofa.
I am just hanging at home to avoid the heat. I've been here since about 11am. Took a little nap. Now I am browsing Western movies on Amazon, lol. It's a Guy Thing, probably, I know. :)
I agree with your first post, and frankly it's the reason I don't watch the news too much anymore. I mean, technically that's not true because I "watch" it everyday at Pearl's. She's got CNN running all the time. But I have learned, just by watching (which is ironic), that situations like what's going on in the Middle East, and with Israel and Palestine especially, has been going on for eons, and especially since 1948. I obviously have my opinions on these things, and many other world issues, and as I've told you, when I was younger I was very politically minded and saw things more in black-and-white, pure right and pure wrong, etc. Now, I am just describing myself and the way I was - I certainly don't mean you are looking at things this way. If fact, I don't know what your stance is on the Israel situation. I imagine now that that's what you meant with your Jon Stewart post; it really was just a straightforward post about that situation, injecting some humor into the discussion.
For the record, I do not support the right-wing government of Israel or their tactics. I also do not support terrorism of any kind, and these ISIS nutjobs in Iraq make me so mad that I'd be about ready to sign up myself to go fight 'em. In the case of Palestine, they have Hamas. In truth, I don't know much about Hamas. Some call them terrorists, some call them freedom fighters. It's an old, old story and it's just going to continue, and that's the problem, and it's why I don't "do the news" like I used to.
The News is really The Olds, the Same Old Story. It basically doesn't matter who the President is : there are certain behind-the-scenes policies, policies maintained by elites in Corporate and what is called "Old" money in America, that are going to continue to affect that region for as long as those policies are in place. The policies are carried out by every American President.
What do we want over there? Oil? That's a big part of it. Israel, with nuclear weapons and a well-funded highly technical and professional military, give us a proxy over there. That's partially why we fund that military with billions of American dollars. Do you know what kind of military Israel would have if we didn't help to fund them? A rag-tag military, much like their enemies. And they would be attacked from all sides. So by funding them, we have a proxy, an "in" over there. Same thing with Saudi Arabia, though that connection is far more tenuous.
I am going on and on, and this is why I don't "do" politics or world issues much anymore. You see, you can't just watch CNN and get to the bottom of things. You really have to be willing to do some heavy studying, and much, much reading - years worth - to get to the root causes of these situations. I have done that, and I started by listening to guys like Chomsky, who is certainly on the right track but even he doesn't go all the way, in part because he is an academic (and therefore must "toe a line" so to speak). He also has his own agenda because he hates the Right with a fierce passion. To really get to the truth you have to be dispassionate. You will never see me voting Republican, but I don't hate them as I thought I did in my twenties, mostly because it's wrong to hate people, and also because you can't put people in one big box like that.
I spent years reading about politics and situations in the world. It was never my main study (that would be rock n' roll!), nor was I ever willing to be a crusader and go work for the Peace Corps or something. It's just not my calling, and God Bless those who do that kind of work.
But I also wanted to get closer to the truth of why the world is the way it is, and eventually I gave up even reading The Nation and other established left-wing magazines because they are politically based. They can and will tell you "what's going on, on the ground", say, in Israel or Ukraine or wherever. They will report things that mainstream news won't report (and as an aside, I do think CNN and Anderson Cooper are very good for what they are, but it's still just "surface news"). But yeah, The Nation and other mags like that will tell you about Bush's secret agenda in some country or another, or Obama's (yeah, Obama is like all the other Presidents, militarily speaking). Those magazines and news sources like NPR will tell you the inside story of "what's happening on the ground", wherever it happens to be taking place.
But none of those sources, radio, print or internet, will get into the real history of things.
They won't tell you Why all these things are happening. And until we start talking about Why - the real Why - well, it's just gonna keep happening and happening. In the Middle East they've been fighting since Time Immemorial. Does anyone think they are just gonna stop all of a sudden?
Not if we keep talking about politics!
No, we need to first know Why, and to know Why, we have to find out where we can get that information.
That's why, as the years went by, I eschewed the news and supposedly "truthful" alternative magazines like The Nation (which might be truthful, but it's only a tiny bit deeper than surface level news).
What I did was to start looking for other sources. First I found Jim Marrs. His book, "Rule By Secrecy" I cannot recommend highly enough. It tells you the real history of things, of how things came to be.
I tried David Icke, too, and there is a lot of good information in his books, but I had to give up on him because ultimately he is too angry for me, and too much of his stuff is speculative, or has to be taken on faith alone.
"The Queen Of England is a shape-shifting Reptilian"!
Okay, David, how do you know this?
"People have seen her turn into a lizard".
Um.........well, I know a lot of people hate The Royals (I am not one of them), and I am not one to discount altogether the possibility that Reptilian creatures exist in another realm, and that they even influence Evil Behavior in some humans.
But if you are gonna state something that extraordinary about The Queen, you are going to have to give me a little more documentation, and some reliable sources. Please. :)
So while Icke's books are defininitely still worth a look, I had to have more.
And finally (you know what I am gonna say now), I discovered Dr. Joseph P. Farrell. He is the only author, besides Stephen King, who changed my life. SK changed it with his incredible, living/breathing stories, and Dr. Farrell changed it by changing the way I think.
I don't even know what to say about Dr. Farrell, except that a person will have their mind greatly expanded by reading him. He's not for the average reader. A certain degree of intelligence is required to understand the concepts he talks about. But, bottom line, he is the finest analyst of the overall world situation and the history of Planet Earth that I have come across, or that I ever will come across. With Joe, you really feel like you are getting to the bottom of things. Reading his books won't stop the bombs from dropping in Palestine, perhaps, but you will get an idea of why things are the way they are, even though he isn't really a political writer.
Well, I have rambled on long enough! (Get off yer soapbox, Ad).
Mind you, I am only describing why I don't "do" the news or politics anymore. I am not suggesting you not do them, or that you shouldn't pay attention to or care about what is going on in the world.
What I am suggesting - and it's only a suggestion - is that you don't invest your emotions too heavily, unless you feel so strongly that you are ready to go work for the Peace Corps or some other group.
I say, don't invest emotions too heavily because these fights have been going on for such a long time, and American policies will remain the same no matter who is President. And it's not just America, but also European policies, and Russian policies, and Chinese policies, and others. It's Elites.
If world affairs interest you, it's best to be aware of who those Elites are, and why they do what they do.
In the meantime, and this is most important of all, keep enjoying your life. Keep being yourself, and being kind to people. When you do that, you are creating happiness, and that is a good way to help the world to be a better place, in small ways, everyday.
I Love You, Elizabeth! I will be here until 4:15. Usual schedule all day today.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
7:05pm : Good Evening, Sweet Baby! Just wanted to letcha know that I'm home. Nothing fancy tonight, except I'm gonna go to the store as part of my walk because I need avocados. Can't live without 'em! I should be here until 8 or 8:30pm, browsing Amazon and such. Happy Birthday to Stephane, too.
I Love You! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
(back in a bit)
11:45pm : I am listening to my favorite nocturnes of all, by Faure. I did my walk, got my avocados, and even stopped by the exercise yard at CSUN, by the gym, for the dreaded 15 minute workout. Overall, a low key day, but a good one also. I hope you had a nice day.
I Love You, Elizabeth. One day soon we will have great conversations about all kinds of things, anything and everything. For now, Sweet Dreams and a great weekend ahead.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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