Good Morning, my Angel,
I am at Pearl's, getting ready to take her to the hair salon in a few minutes, but I just wanted to say I Love You and I love your post just now.
I will be back to write more in a little while. For now, a giant hug and kiss, and much love.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
7pm : Good Evening, Sweet Baby! I am home. Super hot today, so I didn't do much, just hung out and played guitar, read some Joe F. Are you guys gonna make another movie? I ask because I saw Brian's picture with the camera rig. At any rate, it will be fun if you do.
I saw your first post, which I loved as I said this morning, and because it was the first post you made after my lengthy blog of yesterday, I will assume you mean it literally. What I am saying is, I know you mean it literally, but maybe you mean it extra right now. If the bridal post was meant as a response to last night's blog, then I understand the way in which you meant it, because in my blog I basically asked, "Is everything okay, and if not, here is what I think you are trying to tell me".
And then I wrote my other, secret interpretation of those posts from a couple days ago. "We need to talk", etc.
Do you remember, way back, when we began to communicate this way, probably in February or March of last year, I suggested a whole lot of ways we could make things happen. Back then, you had posted photos of rings on fingers, engagement rings, and just thinking spontaneously I said "well, we could move into Pearl's house, or get an apartment". I had suggested part-time jobs you could get that would allow you to continue to play music and make art. I wrote a few posts where I touched a little bit on some of the practical aspects of you and I getting married. I did it spontaneously, and I was still getting used to the news that you had feelings for me. So I thought, "well, why not suggest these things? I certainly can't hurt to throw out some suggestions". I had not known you a full year yet, and I'd heard you mention things like not wanting to finish college. Things seemed more up-in-the-air at that point, so after you posted photos of engagement rings on ladies' fingers, I wrote about what it might be like if you just up and moved here.
Then things got more settled, and you did finish school, which I think I ultimately encouraged you to do, and of course it would never have been right for me to say otherwise. But things did settle, and you finished school and now will be going to Italy for photo school. I hope you are looking forward to it and it's gonna be awesome. As for marriage, I would love to marry you. But, if we were to plan it, it would naturally have to be planned and talked about through direct communication and ultimately person-to-person. Of course I know you know that, but I just mention it. As always, I leave the timetable for resuming direct communication up to you. Only you will know when it's okay to do so, and only you know the reason it was stopped in the first place. For me, it's all good, and I do hope you are looking forward to Italy and finishing photo school. We have had patience thus far and we should continue to be patient, I think. Things are gonna work out fine, my Darling.
But as I have always also said, if you ever have anything bothering you - I mean really bothering you - like parental issues, or just life frustrations of any kind, or questions of any kind, always remember that you have my phone number. Eventually we will talk about everything, but in the meantime, if it's ever really important, you have my number and my email, and of course we have FB, too. I am right here, not going anywhere, and I can wait and will wait for you, for whenever you feel the time is right. And when it's right, we will talk about and figure out everything. In the meantime, we love each other and I'm right here for you always.
I do hope all is well at home, and I always wish for family harmony for you guys, and I always encourage you to try and get along with your Mom, cause you know she loves you. Things seem a lot better in that respect, although I have no way of knowing for sure because we haven't talked directly about it in a long time. But, to just bring out an old character you might remember, named Drill Sergeant Me (lol), I say, "Be nice to your Mom and Dad because they love you"! :)
Okay, it's safe now. Drill Sergeant Me is back in his box. And, I am off my soapbox for the evening! :)
It is still pretty hot out, so I may wait until later and do my whole walk then. But I hate doing my whole walk all at once, so I may start at 8:30 and do it in two parts.
Only time will tell........
But I will for sure be back to write more at the usual time.
I Love You, Elizabeth! Things are gonna work out fine. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
11:40pm : I love listening to Francis Poulenc. His music always sounds like you are sitting in a Paris cafe, watching the rhythm of the street scene. Well, my Baby, I saw your two posts a little while ago. You are indeed My Sweet Baby, we even have the pictures to prove it! :):) And in your other post, because it refers to being excited about the Fall, I am assuming you read my blog this eve, because I mentioned Italy. And if you read my blog, then the "zero hits" phenomenon is explained, I guess. Maybe if you read the blog from a mobile device, it doesn't register a page view. You must have read it, but it still reads "0".
On Myspace they had an actual blog counter that was reliable. Anyhow, now I know that "0" doesn't necessarily mean you didn't read. I think we are back on track.
I am glad you are looking forward to Italy, and besides being a wonderful country to visit and stay in, you will also be concentrating on just one subject, and one that you love : photography.
You are gonna do some great work there! I hope you can shoot the countryside, which will remind me of George Inness' Italian landscape paintings, which I love.
This has been a great year and it's gonna keep getting better......the fun is all in what happens next!
I will see you in the morning, Sweet Baby.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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