Friday, March 13, 2015


Good Evening, my Darling,

Happy Friday the 13th, and congrats on your film being shown at the Wisconsin Film Festival. That is fantastic! Friday the 13th is always a good day, I find, and it holds true once again. Lots of driving for me today, out to Glendale and back to take my sister Sophie shopping. T'was hot, too, over 90, and windy. Normally I love heat, but it's unseasonal this early, if anything can be said to be seasonal or unseasonal any more, lol.

I hope your day way good, and with the good news about your film, I'm sure it was. I trust all other current projects are proceeding apace, and I will be interested to see how they are coming along. I am gonna relax for a bit, then watch an X-File around 7:30, then go for my walk, and if I have any time left after that, I'll read for a little bit.

Enjoy your evening. I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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