Sunday, March 22, 2015

We Could Be (sweet dreams, hopeful sleep)

Hey, Sweet Baby!,

That's us! We're engaged! Or at least we could be. We oughta get engaged. What do you think?  :):) Well, we can think about it a little bit, but we could be engaged-to-be-engaged while we think about it.

I am back at Pearl's. Nothin' fancy today, just typical Sunday. The singing was good, but we didn't practice afterwards because our director is still absent. Next week will be a biggie practice, though, because we've got Good Friday and Easter services coming right up.

I hope you had a great day. I am back on work schedule hours, so I'm here til 6:30, then.......well, you know.

I Love You and will be back in a bit.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

12:35am : Hi, my Darling. Happy Late Night. Pearl was up very late watching TV, so it took me a while to get situated, but now all is quiet. Except for the mockingbird, that is. I wanna get back to writing more, and I will, but it's been a difficult adjustment because Pearl has very erratic sleeping hours. Anyhow, I hope you had a good weekend, and maybe you got to do something fun also.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for a good week, with normal sleep. I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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