Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Love From Home, Wednesday Afternoon (late night love & sweet dreams)

Hi Sweet Baby,

Happy Afternoon. I'm just getting home from Pearl's. Nothing much to report from yesterday, but today I may go on a hike. Not sure yet, because it's kind of windy, but I'll see what it's like around 2pm or so. It's hot, too. We're already up over 90, we did our Spring in January and February and now we're straight to Summer.

I hope all is well with you, and that you are having a nice day. I have gotten to catch up on my sleep the last couple of days, so I feel pretty good. I'll be here til about 2pm, maybe longer if I don't go on a hike, but at least til 2.

Enjoy your afternoon. Hope you are doing something fun!

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:55pm : Hi, Nice Lady. Just wanted to check in and wish you sweet dreams, see how you are doing. I guess you are busy the last couple of days. I had a nice hike this afternoon, went almost all the way to the top of the ridge that leads to Mission Point, from the O'Melveney Park Trail. That's the long way to get there, 3.5 miles. When I went last Summer, I took a trail that is more direct, and about half that length, but sometime this year I will take the O'Melveney Trail to get there. Today was a test run.

Plus, I saw the Easter Bunny, too. :)

A good day, all in all. I hope yours was, too.

I Love You and am thinking about you. Hope all is well.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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