Good Afternoon, Sweet Baby,
I am home. Got a bit of a late start today because of the sleep schedule being off. This morning, after breakfast and morning chores I went back to sleep for a couple hours in the spare bedroom at Pearl's, but here I am now, and hopefully we can get the normal sleeping pattern back this week.
Hey, Sweet Baby : guess what? I Love You!
Was that your guess? If so, you guessed correctly!
I see your posts from this morn, and I like those photos by Kareva Margo. I know you like that style of what I will call fantasy photography, and this gal is very good. I took note of what she says about overly colorful photos, and of course you know I agree - but I agree in a different context. What I don't like so much is when a photographer takes, say. a sunset photo, and then tweaks it so it's ultra-purple and orange, and the ocean water is overly sparkling blue, and for me, it is those kind of oversaturated nature photos (of sunsets or otherwise) that I don't care for. But in this case, with the fantasy photos, it works quite well. I don't know if she achieves her result with photoshop or on the set, but the photos are supposed to portray a fantasy, so the coloring works.
Cool video, too, by the French group. Now that's a great natural lighting effect!
Well, things are picking up again. I've been on a few hikes (probably more than at this time last year, actually), and I've also begun the dreaded workouts.......the year is kicking into gear.
I hope you are having a great day, maybe thinking of new projects you can do. Boy, one of these days if we brainstorm together, we can come up with all kinds of great ideas.
Usual schedule for me today, though this evening Grimsley is coming over after I get home at 6:30. He wants to watch "One Hour Photo" with Robin Williams because he was a big fan and has never seen it. Other than that, I am around most of the day and night. Enjoy the rest of your afternoon.
I Love You! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
(back in a bit)
11:50pm : Happy Late Night, my Darling. All is quiet except for KUSC on the kitchen radio. I'm listening to the last few minutes of Jim Svejda's show. Pearl and The Kobester are asleep, and hopefully they will sleep through til morning. Grim came by earlier, at my place, and we did watch "One Hour Photo". A really great performance by Robin Williams, and you can kind of see some of himself in it. Not the crazy stalker part, but the sadness. It's ironic that in all his best acting parts in dramatic movies, that's what came through.
Also, though, what you notice is just how good a thriller that movie is. There was a period there, maybe from the late 80s to the early 2000s, when a lot of good thrillers were made. What is notable about a film like "One Hour Photo", or the classic "The Hand That Rocks The Cradle", is that they are spare. Every shot counts, every scene means something, the editing is timed at the perfect rhythm for the tension or release of tension in each scene. Remember rhythm when you edit your videos. Not that you haven't already, but when you watch movies, of any kind, notice the rhythm of the editing.
It's good sometimes to just jot ideas down, even if you don't have a fully formed project in mind, or even if you aren't "there yet", so to speak. Let's say you aren't quite yet a full-on movie director; okay, you are just getting started. But you can still think about, and write down (or just file away in your head) ideas for scenes or a flow of images. You have already done the latter with your "Summer Snow" video from last year, or your other video reel on Vimeo, from 2012-13.
Go deep if you want to, and create scenes of pure imagery from your subconscious (what you are thinking or dreaming), or from your heart (what you are feeling). Let things bubble up to the surface. You do not always have to create from the conscious level. That's what imagery is all about.
Allow what is below the surface to speak to you, and it will add to your creativity. But, be sure to keep up with it. Jot things down, as I say. Keep a pad of paper handy. Phrases, small bits of ideas.
These are the things that, if chosen and allowed to blossom, can provide you with personal and original creative material, to help you stand out from the crowd.
Listen to your inner voice, and even more, your subconscious stream of thoughts, because in this way you will form a direct connection to your Creative Spirit. This is all the stuff we have talked about over the years, meaning mainly that the You down here on Earth is just the human projection of the Major You of your Soul. And then your Spirit is the interface between both. Your Spirit can leave your body at night, during dreams of astral projection, but unless you are a practiced Yogi in India or otherwise adept at meditation, it is difficult to achieve the same results during the day.
Unless you can become attuned to the stream-of-subconscious thought that runs through your mind during your waking hours.
That is your Spirit, or at least a mechanism of your Spirit, at work during the daytime. Perhaps your Spirit can only fly away (i.e. operate freely) while you are sleeping. While you are awake, it interfaces by running a stream-of-consciousness in your mind. You see, your subconscious doesn't quite know what it means to be a human being, and that is because it is coming from your operational Spirit.
So, you have this Three Way Communication happening, between You, Your Spirit, and Your Soul, with the aetheric Spirit acting as the interface between the other two. Above it all is God, of course, and we are all continually conscious of God, even when we don't realise it.
It is your job as an artist to become aware of these connections within yourself, and to pay close attention to their interactions. These will be the communication tools that you will use to set your artistic goals apart from the crowd. So, reach inward, and reach deep, and get a handle on what you really see, what you really feel. Not in everyday terms, but in terms of pure imagery.
Then you can work outward from there, and turn these glimpses into ideas, scenes for videos or movies, or still photographs, or poems, or what-have-you.
That's all I know for tonight, my Baby. I hope you had a good day. Fingers crossed for sleep the whole night through, and I will see you in the morning.
I Love You, Elizabeth! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):) Sweet Dreams.......
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