Good Afternoon, Sweet Baby,
Happy St. Patrick's Day. Are you wearing green? You know what happens if you aren't - pinch, pinch, pinch. :) Actually, I'm not wearing green myself, an admission I make at my own risk, and yet on purpose! Is it possible to do a long distance pinch? We'll have to try it and find out.
I am home after bringing Pearl back from Golden Agers. I see your post, of your friend Scarlet's drawing. Maybe you are drawing, too, or working on some type of art project along those lines. If so, it all fits in with What You Do. If you were gonna draw your witchsona, it would definitely be of a Good Witch, and I know you are very adept in the skills of White Witchery. Me, I am working on my remote viewing technique, as I am fascinated anew by reading this Ed Dames book. It's very hard, when working a lot, and being busy in general, to get your mind focused enough to do this sort of thing, but when you can, you get some interesting results. You can develop your psi just by exercising it everyday, just like working out any other part of your body. I imagine you have found the same to be true with the practices you are familiar with, such as the use of runes.
At any rate, it's the usual Tuesday schedule for me. I will leave a few minutes early to stop at the store. I need avocados, to which I am addicted, and also some cumin for the vegetarian chili I am gonna make later tonight. Now I'm making myself hungry, so I'd better stop........
I'll be here til 4pm, then the usual for the rest of the evening. Enjoy your day.
I Love You! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
11:15pm : Hey, my Darling. That is a riot, that picture of Hannah and the little girl who is no doubt a relative of hers. They've got a strong red hair & freckles gene in that family, lol. Also, that's a pretty picture of you from earlier in the evening, with the little girl who, I am guessing, is the daughter of your friend? A very nice picture it is.
Well, I am still getting things situated here at Pearl's, so I will be back in just a few minutes, but I wanted to check in real quick because that was such a funny pic. I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
(back in a few)
11:55pm : All is now quiet. I have to be careful doing anything with food, even opening the refrigerator, this late at night, because The Kobedog has (naturally) dog ears, and he loves food like it's going out of style. He is at the other end of the house, in Pearl's room with the door closed, but what happens if he hears me is that he starts barking because he wants to come out to the kitchen where I am. And because he is shut inside Pearl's room, he can't get out, so he just barks. That in turn wakes Pearl up, and then I've gotta coax both of 'em into going back to sleep again - not always an easy task.
So, I've learned to become Super Stealthy when making late-night rice or anything else. I make not a sound.
I hope you had a nice day. I may try to go for a quick hike tomorrow morn while Pearl is at her crafts group meeting. If I do, it will just be local, maybe Santa Susana or Cave Of Munits. I am nearing the end of this work cycle, so I will have a day off on Saturday. Then, my next work period is short - only two weeks, and then I will have a week off during Easter break. It will give me a chance to kind of get my bearings back, see what the focus looks like. Last year it was hiking and discovery, and when I think back on last year, and last summer especially, I blow my mind because all of that came out of the blue. All those trails, over 25 of them, all that hiking and going up to the top of local mountains and stuff.......finding that old, abandoned oil refinery.
That was an amazing trip, now that I look back on it, because it was relentless - I was relentless in my pursuit of new trails and locations, and I discovered a whole new world surrounding the Valley, a world of nature that I'd never really explored. So it just came out of nowhere, because I have never in my life been a hiker, but it was exceedingly awesome. Especially the super-hot hikes, when it was over 100 degrees. :)
I don't think I can replicate the intensity of that months-long experience this year, and I probably won't try to, but my hikes will still be a regular thing. But because everything I do is weird-based, or in normal terms, you might say "discovery based" (the discovery of weird stuff), I will be looking for new ways to photograph things. Last year I discovered my sunshine ghosts. This year, I trust they will still be there, but I will also hope for some new phenomenon to present itself.
At any rate, last year was miraculous most of all because it came out of nowhere, so I am hoping something like that will happen again. It's like lightning striking twice, but you never know.....
Sweet Dreams, Sweet Baby! I Love You and will see you in the morn. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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