Sunday, December 15, 2013

Always (I Love You) (A Good Week Ahead)

I Love You, Elizabeth.........
xoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

Oh, and by the way : Good Morning! Happy Sunday. I am with you all day, my Darling, as always, and you are with me. I am gonna take the Kobester up to CSUN, and pick Pearl up from choir at 1pm. Then I will be home all afternoon.

Today is a beautiful day. We have each other, and we always will.


(back in a bit)

6:45pm : I'm home. My car got a flat tire, so I borrowed Pearl's and will fix mine in the morning. Other than that, it was a beautiful day, walking the Kobedog and feeling you with me.

All that stuff I was talking about with my brother on FB was about that movie, "Billy Jack", which isn't well remembered now, but it was huge in 1972 when it came out. Some of the stuff Chris mentioned had to do with when Dad was at MGM, and men he worked with like James Aubrey, who was an infamous TV and movie executive of the era, infamous for being an S.O.B. There are a lot of great people in the industry, but there are a lot who are really ruthless. Anyhow, that's show biz.

I will be here til 8:30, then my walk.

I hope your day was great.

You make me so happy, my Angel.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:20pm : "I sure do like those Christmas cookies, Sugar" ! ;) Remember that George Strait song I posted last week? It's perfect for your friend Paul's guitar cookies. :)

I am listening to music by a countertenor singer named James Bowman. I bought a couple of his CDs a while back after listening to music by David Munrow and the English Consort, who play Renassance era medieval music. It's fitting for this time of year, very spiritual. On KUSC, they are playing all kinds of old Christmas carols, from Germany and Russia, very ancient music.

Tomorrow will probably begin Finals, or the last of the finals if you've already begun them, but only a few more days to go, that's for certain. You work really hard in your studies (and in everything you do), and you should pat yourself on the back for it. If I were there, I'd do it for you. :):)

This will be a good week, Elizabeth, with success in your finals. In between your last minute studies, take a moment here and there to imagine me with you (and I know you do anyway), because I will be with you all along. Just as I look northeastward on my walks, over the San Gabriel mountains, to be with you, so can you look toward me, or just think of me.........and then we are together.

I Love You, Elizabeth. Sweet Dreams!   xoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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