Good Morning, my Darling,
Happy Friday! I am at Pearl's, dropping Kobi off.We went to Chatsworth Park North after taking Pearl to a Reseda Women's Club banquet. I just saw your Eric Whitacre post, and that is awsome! If you can get into that class, it is an absolute must-see for you. Hopefully he will hold it in a big enough venue to accommodate everyone. But especially you! So, that's a great way to start the day. I am gonna head home in a minute, then pick Pearl up at 2pm. Then the afternoon will proceed as normal from there.
I Love You! xoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
(home in a few minutes)
11:10pm : I love that Alison Scarpulla post, Elizabeth. I just now saw it, cause I was out finishing my walk, but it is perfect for the state of mind we are in. And state of heart, too. So much of life is just making simple conscious choices to be in harmony with God's energy. This is what we have been talking about recently, and even just last night I likened it to a "battery pack" that is always charged up, the more you tune into it.
It's like, you can watch the news, and see stuff going on in the world, and indeed there is a lot of strife and negativity............but that's not what the world is. How do we know this? Elizabeth, you and I know this because we have felt it on a daily basis - in our walks, our photographic excursions, our Special Places. We have quiet places inside ourselves where that God Energy resonates. And we can feel it everywhere we go, even in what might seem like mundane places, like crossing a street.
We live in this special World, the God World. I am using God in the Universal sense, because God is always Your God. But you see what I mean. Life is harmonious, once you tune into it. Put your mind there all the time. It's an Inner Thing. That's where your Control Center is, deep inside you in that place of resonance. I will be back in a second, but I want to post this now..........
11:50: It's late, and I'm sure you are probably asleep. But I want you to know how beautiful I think it is that you are feeling these things, this overall deep sense of what Life really is. It is so much more than the everyday comings and goings of physical experience. I know I harp on it all the time, lol. But I do it because I really want you to know how special your life is, not in the general sense of being human, but specifically because You Are You. You can trust me on that, my Darling.
We live in the three dimensional physical world, yes we do. But we also live simultaneously in outer dimensions that are just as important to be aware of, if not more so. In fact, it is the nuances of those dimensions that talk to us every second of the day, in miniscule ways. It is a very real technique that you will develop throughout your life to notice those minute voices - of nature, of thought, of perception, or Helpers that you have in Other Places. We all have them.
At any rate, I tell you that you have rare gifts of understanding, and I tell you that they are rare because I know this from experience, and so I say that it's best to always hold them inside and develop them, and in that way you will always live in God's World, the World of Love and Magic.
Sweet Dreams, my Darling. I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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