Thursday, December 5, 2013

Sending You Love And Warmth (Sweet Dreams added)

Good Afternoon, my Angel,

I am gonna leave a few minutes early to hit the store before I go to Pearl's, so I wanted to say hi, see how you are doing. I checked, and I see it is pretty chilly in Middleton, so stay warm. I will be going to the Cinematheque tonight to see Fassbinder's "Veronica Voss". After this, there will be one last film in this retrospective, and then we will be on a break until Spring semester. And, if you think about it, it won't really be all that long until Spring and sun and warmth are all back, too. Until then, I will help keep you warm just by being with you and sending my love. I should be back at the usual Thursday night time, about 10pm-ish.

I Love You and will see you in just a bit!     xoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

10:55pm : Hey my Baby. I hope you had a good day. The movie was good, with great black & white noirish cinematography, and like almost all of the Fassbinder repertoire, it was melodramatic - the story of a morphine addicted has-been actress in post-Nazi Germany who is being kept prisoner by the doctor who prescribes her drug. Kind of Michael Jackson-esque, but grim and German. One of the better Fassbinders we have seen. You are probably studying for finals. Well, it was a good day, if cold (relatively for me, realistically for you). I Love You and will talk to you in the morn. Sweet Dreams!

xoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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