Good Morning, my Darling,
I just wanted to let you know I'm home. Pearl is at Golden Agers, so I'll be around til 1:45, then back here again from about 2:30 til 4:15. I hope you are feeling okay. Today is a new day. I Love You and wish I were with you right now. xoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
2:40pm : I Love You, Elizabeth. If I were with you right now, I'd just be holding you, kissing you, loving you. I know you didn't mean anything by what happened on Sunday. It's just that love make us vulnerable, which is actually one of the greatest things about it, I think. Allowing ourselves to be vulnerable opens us up to our deepest emotions, which we then share and trust to be held in the hearts of the person we love most dearly. Vulnerability is letting down your guard and opening up, and when two people can do that with each other, the most wonderful bond of love is created. Unfortunately (or fortunately!), people aren't perfect. In this case, I guess I should say "unfortunately", because a misunderstanding was created.
You probably thought I knew what the deal was with you guys, but I didn't. That's all. That's all that happened, and it was because I love you and so I am vulnerable. Some people have individual shells around themselves in relationships - they harden themselves up, they steel themselves against ever being hurt, and so they miss out on the kind of deep sharing of love and spirit that we have shared. Such hardened relationships don't go deep, they are superficial. We have always had the deepest kind of relationship, a soul love from the beginning. But, we are human, and therefore not perfect, and because we love each other deeply, we allow ourselves to be vulnerable. It's a good thing. :):)
One thing I wanted you to know: I wasn't mad on Sunday. For real, that's the truth. At first I saw your pictures, and I thought they were great. Then of course, I saw Stephane's name (and only his name), and my worry wart side got the better of me. But truly, I didn't know the particulars of the situation between you guys. So, I spent the rest of the day worrying, and thus, I didn't post. Again, I'm sorry, cause I know you would never hurt me.
Looking back, I wish I could have gone on the walk with you guys. Rock quarries and open fields are my kinds of places. :)
So that's all I wanted to say. My "overwhelming thoughts" today are thoughts of loving you and sharing our lives together. You are such a wonderful and kind lady, Elizabeth. I want to be with you always.
I am gonna leave for Pearl's a few minutes early, cause I have to stop to pick up her glasses from the optical repair shop. But basically, except for my walk, I'll be around for the rest of the evening.
I Love You and Thank God For You, my Darling. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
11:10pm : I am listening to the Chopin Piano Concerto #1. Got my space heater running full blast, cause it's finally "cold" by L.A. standards. That's all I know for tonight. I hope you had a good day.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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