Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Monday Love (Snow Angel) (Beautiful)

Good Afternoon, my Darling,

I was down at Pearl's for a little while. They invited me over for a pre-Christmas brunch, we do it every year. Now I am full, so I'm gonna relax for a bit, til about 3:15ish, then go for part of my walk, down to the Grove and then over to the bank on the way back. I hope your week is off to a great start.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

6:50pm : Hey Elizabeth! You know what? You are my Snow Angel........


P.S. I see that your friend in the picture is from Middleton but lives in Los Angeles. I think you've posted her before, but anyway, she covers the connecting line. It's funny if that picture was taken here, though, because she's all bundled up and it was in the 80s today. Typical "never-know-what-you're-gonna-get" SoCal winter weather.......

11pm : This is a wonderful Christmastime, my Baby, and though I am guessing that you are with family and getting ready for the Holiday, I feel very close to you. I have been reflecting on the year and how amazing it has been. Last year on Christmas Eve, I didn't have a home computer, and the libraries were closed. We weren't in contact at the time, but I wanted to send you a message anyway, so I drove up to the local FedEx Kinkos copy center, where you can rent a computer. And I sent you a brief Merry Christmas message.

It was a unique time, that short period between October and December 2012, but I could feel that somehow I hadn't lost contact with you. You were still there, there had been too much magic.

That day, I just thought, "I have gotta send her a message".

Then, on January 2nd, I saw your Bai Xu post and thus began 2013.

I am glad I have written so much about this year, because I want to always remember the details.

Because this year has not only been special, but it has also been a special story.

I am grateful for what has happened since last Christmas, and I send you all my love, my Elizabeth.

My Beautiful Girl.       xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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