Saturday, December 14, 2013

Relaxation (Love Added)

Good Evening, my Angel,

I'm just getting home. It was a typical Saturday, except my sister didn't come over so I shopped by myself. Took Pearl to the hair salon, rare for a Saturday but she had parties all week long so we couldn't go on Thursday. This eve, we wrote a bunch of Christmas cards. I hope your day was good, and I see on that it's not quite as frigid as it was in Middleton (it says 22 right now), so maybe you were able to get out and enjoy your Saturday. I'm gonna relax for a while as usual. I may stop by the Redbox on my walk later on, to see if there's anything worth watching. Either way, I'll be around for most of the evening, as always.

I Love You!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:15pm : Nothin' special tonight, just went on my walk, super windy outside. Just staying with the Christmas feeling and reflecting on the year, and the future. It's been a busy week, even moreso for you. But, as of next Saturday I have six days off, and you will be done with the semester. We will really enjoy Christmas!

So, I will wish you Sweet Dreams, and see you in the morning.

I Love You, Elizabeth.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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