Saturday, December 21, 2013

Happy Winter! (Citizen Kane) (Sweet Dreams)

Happy Winter Solstice, my Baby,

Well, I am all done for today, so I am off until next Friday at 4:30pm. You are all done, too, so congratulations on another semester completed! In the early afternoon - now, in other words - I am just gonna chill and do nothing except write a few last cards while listening to the Opera Show on KUSC. I will probably wander outside a little later to do part of my walk, maybe go in search of pictures, but one thing is for sure : I'm not gonna get in my car for the rest of the day, lol.

I am all Car-ed Out! (Car-ed? Carred? I need a spell check on that one). But no more driving for me today, and maybe tomorrow too! ;)

I will check back in later in the day. I hope you and your family are enjoying the Christmas Season.

I Love You So Much, my Stunning and Amazing Girl.   xoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

7:50pm : I just finished watching "Citizen Kane", a movie I had never seen before. Kinda ridiculous, I realize, me being a huge movie fan and never having seen that movie. But for whatever reason, I just never had. Then yesterday I saw it in the library, and I said "I'm finally gonna watch it". I knew all about the "Rosebud" secret; it's impossible not to if you're a film fan, but still, I guess you could say that "Citizen Kane" really covers all the bases as far as being the Great American Story. I can see why it's been called the greatest film ever. I don't know that it would be my own #1 pick, but it certainly is a classic. Now I need to see "Gone With The Wind", cause I've never seen that one either!

I saw your pictures earlier. Are you guys working on another movie? It looks like fun, whatever you are making, and a nice way to begin your Winter break. I am gonna hang out for a little while, maybe til 9, then go for the rest of my walk. I already did part of it this afternoon. Gonna go over to Imdb and read up on some of the actors in CK. Also, there was a cinematographer named Gregg Toland, and I may have mentioned him before, but he was legendary, and invented many of the motion picture camera techniques that are in use today, especially the use of deep focus. He is the guy who shot "Citizen Kane", as well as many other famous films in the late 30s and early 40s. One of the greatest cinematographers ever. Check out his work if you are interested.

I'll be back later to write more. I Love You, my Darling.   xoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:10pm : I had a nice evening and I hope you did too. Took my walk on an empty campus. I like to look up at the sky when the Moon is out, and for some reason (an astronomer would know) it seems like I can always see more stars in the Winter sky than at other times of the year. In Los Angeles, you don't see many stars to begin with, but I love the cool, clear nights in December when the sky is inky black and you can see some of it's jewels.

Well, tomorrow is a sleep-in day. Not that I ever sleep in much, at least not on my first sleep-in - my body is too programmed. But even a half hour makes a difference.

So, I will see you in the morn. I Love You. :):)

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