Friday, April 25, 2014

Baby, Baby (Hectic)

Good Morning, Sweet Baby,

I'm writing from Pearl's. When I got here this morn there was water gushing down the driveway, into the gutter and all down the street. A pipe in the front lawn had burst. So now, we are just waiting on the plumber to fix it. He dug a hole and located the break, and now has driven off to get the replacement parts. So, I may be here a while. We were gonna take The Kobester to Balboa Park, and maybe we still will if the plumber finishes by 1pm or so. Anyhow, it could be an all-dayer here at Pearl's. We'll see. Right now I am listening to the 80s retro-station to pass the time. Kobi is grumbling. He did help me feed The Black Kitty earlier, though.

I love the pic of the babies with pacifiers! That's us : Two Babies.  :):)

Anyhow, just to check in and say I Love You! And, best of luck with the start of your film tonight. :)

I'll be back to write more later, most likely after 6:30 when I get home. And I'll be around on FB until the plumber is done.

xoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxo :):)

11:20pm : I hope all went well with your film project. Things were a bit hectic here. The plumbing repair turned into a very expensive job of digging a big trench across the front yard, all the way to the water main, to replace 60 year old pipes. They aren't done yet, hopefully tomorrow, Monday at the latest. I took Pearl & Kobi to Balboa Park this eve, to get away from it all for a little bit.

Tomorrow will be better: More film project for you, and Black Sabbath for me. A good day ahead.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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