Good Evening, my Baby,
Just getting home, another busy one. Lotsa driving, traffic, etc. That's another nice picture you posted, the one of Hannah. You get great photos of those two sisters. I see there is all kinds of stuff going on today. An event at your school? A bald eagle rescue, very awesome. I also see your post from the veteran's cemetary. I am all for any kind of memorial or tribute to soldiers, that is for sure. So, it looks like you are involved in a lot of activity and events, and good works all around.
They are having an open house this weekend up at a place called the Blackbird Museum in Palmdale, which is on the edge of the Mojave desert about 50 miles from me. The museum is the home to old, mothballed SR-71 planes, the fastest jet the Air Force ever flew (or at least acknowledged). Ever since the US economy crashed in 2008, there haven't been very many airshows or open houses at Air Force bases because of budget reductions. I used to go all the time, twice a year. Now I haven't been to one since 2007 at Van Nuys, which is local, just four miles away. I'd love to go to this one on Saturday, but I've also got the Sabbath concert that night, and I have to be at Pearl's at the usual time, 4:30pm. Maybe I'll try to edge it in there. I've seen the SR-71 before, but it's always fun to see any of the planes.......
Well, usual schedule tonight. I will watch an episode of one of my earliest favorite TV series, from when I was about 5 years old, and which I just got on dvd: "Danger Man", with Patrick McGoohan. Then I'll go for my walk and be back at the usual time.
I Love You. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
11:15pm : Listening to Schubert. I was reading my "Forbidden Archeology" book tonight, and I read about something called the Early Wisconsin Glacial Floodplain, where many interesting bones have been found. I am always talking about how neat it would be to drive out to the desert - way, way out, to the middle of it. And, it would also be awesome to see the glacial floodplains in your state, where the ice dug grooves in the Earth as it receeded, and either covered up or uncovered, or transported, the remains of whomever was around when the Ice Age hit. We really don't know much about the Ice Age, or why it happened. For that matter, neither do we know why there is an enormous desert, filled with stunted Joshua Trees, just on the outskirts of an ocean, in an area with mostly moderate temperatures. I love this kind of stuff.
Dad used to say that when he was a boy, he dug up Indian arrowheads in the local, lake-filled and swampy Indiana area in which he grew up. I wish he had kept those.......
Anyway, we both live in interesting areas.
I will see you in the morning. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)
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