Saturday, April 19, 2014

Happy Easter! (The Dam Busters/Star Wars)

Good Evening, my Darling,

Just checking in to say hi. I had a nice day. Vickie came over with her husband and we went over to Pearl's for a pre-Easter brunch. Everybody had lots of food, and at the end we took the Kobester for a dogwalk. I got back about 3pm and since then I've just been chillin' - reading and playing guitar. Then just now I went on my daytime portion of my walk. I'll finish up later tonight since I've still got one more sleep-in. I hope you had a nice day. Maybe you took some more awesome photos!

Also, I wish you and your family a very happy Easter tomorrow.

I am gonna watch a movie I just got in the mail from Amazon. It's called "The Dam Busters", about the Royal Air Force bombing of German dams during WW2. Yeah, me and my war movies, I know........

But this is a British one, and I haven't seen it, so.........oh boy!  ;)

I will be back in a while at the usual time. I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:20pm : The movie turned out to be a 10 on all counts, really great. I know that war movies are more of a Guy Thing, but what is interesting about this one - and I didn't know this until checking it out on IMDB after watching it - is that it was apparently a primary influence on George Lucas for "Star Wars", at least the visual sequences of flying low through corridors while dodging flak and counter-firing in return. He is said to have seen this film as a youngster and was so taken with the aerial footage that he adapted it for his groundbreaking film.

I need to watch "Star Wars" again. Believe it or not, I've only seen it once, in the theater when it first came out. In fact, I can remember a preview for it, maybe in late 1976 or early '77, shown before another movie at a theater in the Northridge Mall. Back then, nobody had ever heard of George Lucas. He had made "THX 1138", but that was only moderately recieved, and he had also made "American Grafitti", which was a big hit, but everyone knew that film for it's 1950s nostalgia and it's great cast and story. The young director got lost in the shuffle. But Hollywood must have been watching him, because they gave him a moderate budget to make "Star Wars", and the really big deal about that film, at the time, was that it had Big, New Special Effects, done by a company called Industrial Light and Magic. That's what got all the publicity, was the special effects. I remember when the trailer hit theaters, people kind of went, "well, that looks cool". It was different, and yet it was totally unexpected, because there had been zero pre-publicity about it.

And then, when it finally hit the theaters...........


And then after that, the whole world knew who George Lucas was.

I saw it about two weeks after it came out, because my brother - a sci-fi freak - recommended it. My favorite "Star Wars" is "The Empire Strikes Back", to this day some of the best special effects ever seen on screen. And, a great story. But I need to see the original again, and "The Dam Busters" has inspired me to.

Well, there's some movie stuff for you. I hope you had a nice evening.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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