Thursday, April 17, 2014

I Love You (and I got my Driver's License renewed, yippee!) (Cinematheque) (Back Home)

Good Morning, Awesome Lady,

I have only been awake since 8:30, but I've already been out to the DMV, passed the visual exam for my driver's license renewal, got my license renewed, and now I'm back home again. That's a practically unheard of experience for the DMV. Usually, you are in there for an hour minimum, more often closer to 90 minutes. But, I had an appointment, and that made a huge difference. So, here I am. Gotta wear my glasses when I drive now.

I'm sorry I didn't write last night. I wasn't doing anything special, just at home watching a movie ("Night Of The Demon", nice cheery fare), but since I didn't hear from you I didn't know if you were trying to tell me something. It's no big deal, so don't worry, and I did see your other posts yesterday and thought maybe they were meant for me.

I have also thought that maybe someone gave you some grief about posting directly to me, on my FB. Maybe that was the original reason for the switch to symbolic communication in January 2013. Back then, I speculated that the Myspace blogs and all the personal info in them might have alarmed someone (parent, friend, anyone else) who read them and knew you were talking to me. Anyway, it's no big deal, like I say, so as long as everything is good, don't worry.

As I say, at first I thought you might be trying to tell me something, just because it was my birthday and all, but then I thought about all the recent posts you've made that I was sure were directed at me, and they were all very loving and of course heart-melting, too. So then I thought, "well, maybe she can't post to my FB, because somebody will give her a hard time". If that's the case, I understand, and again no worries.

But on the chance you were trying to tell me something, you can tell me. I love you no matter what. :):)

You mean so much to me, Elizabeth.

When I got home just now, I saw your post of the family next to what looks like an Eastern Orthodox church. I like the last name, too: Loversky! So I thought maybe that was meant for me. Recent posts of yours also have a travel motif, and we have talked a lot about that, too. Am I interpreting everything correctly? I hope so.  :)

I guess everything is good unless you tell me otherwise. If all is well, then I am happy.  :):)

I had a nice day yesterday. Pearl and her daughter took me out to lunch, to a place called Stone Fire Grill, and I had something I hadn't had in a long time, a Tri-Tip steak. It was really good. Also a nice salad, and carrot cake for dessert. The rest of the day I was just hanging out, over at CSUN looking for pictures, hangin' at the duck pond.

Well, I'll post now so you know I'm here. I am thinking about you, hope you had a great day yesterday and another one today. I still have 3 1/2 more days off, so I'll be around.

I Love You, Very, Very, Much.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

(back later)

5:45pm : Good Evening, my Darling. I just got back from my afternoon walk, so I am gonna have some tea and hang out for about an hour and then walk down to the Media Building for the CSUN Thursday Night Movie. Usually I am driving home from Pearl's, and I park on the other side of campus so I can make it on time. But this time I will walk from home. It's not too far. Tonight we are gonna see Ray's "The Golden Fortress", which I haven't seen and know nothing about, but of course it should be a good one. Nice to be back at the Cinematheque after last week's break in the schedule. So, I should be home at the usual time, about 10pm, give or take. I hope you are enjoying your evening! I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

I'll write more at the usual time.........

11:30pm : The movie was good. Entertaining would be the word, as this was Ray's version of a Hollywood road movie, sort of an Indiana Jones story of a little boy who draws pictures of a past life, in which he lived in a Golden Fortress. His story is published in a local paper, crooks read of it, and assuming there is such a fortress, they set out to kidnap him to find the treasure he says he has seen. So it wasn't an art film per se, as many of the other Ray flicks have been, but it was fun. It was nice to walk down, unhurried. Having days off rules! I hope your day was good, and in just a few weeks, you will have days off, too, as school will be out.

Sweet Dreams......

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

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