Friday, April 11, 2014

TGIF + Love (Renting)

Good Evening, my Baby,

Happy Friday night, and TGIF too. I hope you are enjoying the start of your weekend. I came home 45 minutes ago and promptly fell asleep, haha. It's the end of a work cycle, so tiredness has set in, but I'll get my second wind hopefully in a few minutes here, so I can finish my walk. Typical day, nothing special, but I just wanted to say hi. Two more days for me, and then six days off.

Well, I'm gonna try to wake up here. I will be back later at the usual time.
I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  :):)

11:25pm : Listening to Cortot playing Schumann. I'm adding more of my favorite movies, and some books that I've read, to Facebook. I know the books are all weird, lol. With movies, I've been adding a lot of horror, but I love all kinds, as I've said. So I will add other genres, too.

It's hot and humid tonight, so on goes the air conditioner. I am grateful for my apartment, but man, I wanna get a bigger living space. Wanna move in with me? It's funny in L.A., it's almost cheaper per person to rent a house with at least one other person than it is for a single person to rent an apartment. What's really funny, but true, is that I live in a very small apartment, but my rent (800) is more than a lot of monthly mortgage payments on houses in other parts of the country.

No complaints, just observations. But I really do wanna move into a bigger unit.

I hope your day was good. I will see you in the morn.

I Love You.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :):)

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